2209 Kellen Gross Dr., Yankton SD 57078
Phone: 1-877-TRUXEDO (1-877-878-9336) Fax: (605) 664-9304
Web Site: http://www.truxedo.com
It is the responsibility of the owner/user to read this manual and comply
with the operating procedures. The owner/user is also responsible for
inspecting the TruXedo
cover, and for having parts repaired or replaced
when worn or damaged.
Failure to follow safety instructions and warning labels could result in
failure of your cover system and/or personal injury.
• Always wear safety glasses and/or other necessary protective
equipment when installing your TruXedo
• These instructions are complete for most pickup models. Additional
instructions are included, if required for your truck. Please read entire
manual before installing your TruXedo
Vinyl cover can be hand washed with mild soap and water or cleaned in
a car wash. Thoroughly rinse cover to remove any soap residue. Cover
can be treated with any vinyl protectant made for tonneau covers.
use silicon, petroleum, or citrus based products on your tonneau
Direct all warraNty claims to truxeDo at 1-877-878-9336
1. Do not place objects on or against cover or framework.
2. Do not tie cargo to TruXedo
3. Never allow children or pets to occupy pickup box
while cover is closed.
4. Cover is not airtight. special care is required to
keep cargo clean and dry.
5. Fabric cover won’t prevent theft of contents inside
truck box.
6. Cover must be rolled fully open and secured with
safety straps when towing vehicle backwards.
Premium Soft roll-uP tonneau Cover
Lo pro QT
P/N 1116967 Rev. J
TruXedo warrants that all new, unused products are free from defects
in material and workmanship. This Warranty is effective if the product
is properly installed and used for the purpose intended for the life of the
product. It applies to the original buyer only. TruXedo’s obligation under
this Warranty is limited to repairing, or at its option, replacing any part that is
returned, transportation prepaid, to TruXedo, Yankton, South Dakota, if the
product is, in our judgment, defective. All materials must be accompanied
by an RMA (Returned Material Authorization) number requested by and
authorized in advance of returning the materials. TruXedo shall not be
liable or responsible to supply or pay labor to replace any part found
defective, nor shall it be liable for any damages of any kind or nature to
person, product, or property.
There are no Warranties for used products or products that have been
repaired, altered, modified, subjected to misuse, negligence, accident or
ordinary wear and tear. Limitations may apply to logo screen printing. Call
1-877-878-9336 for complete details.
TruXedo products are sold without any express warranty except as set forth
above. TruXedo is not obligated to honor warranty claims if Genuine TruXedo
parts are not utilized.
Phone Number:________________________________
Email Address:________________________________
Date Purchased: ___________ Price Paid: _________
Dealer Name:_________________________________
Pickup Make: _________________________________
Model: ________________________ Year: ________
register online at www.truxedo.com or mail this form to:
truxedo, P.o. box 1078, yankton, sD 57078-1078
Product Purchased:
□ Original TruXedo
□ TruXedo Lo Pro QT
□ TruXedoPlus
□ TruXport
□ TruXedo Deuce
□ TonneauTraX