Trust Ami Mouse Optical
File type
Filter to search for certain types of files (*.exe, *.doc, *.txt and *.* for all files).
Add Item
Add an item to the list (also by doubling clicking).
Remove Item
Remove an item from the list.
Remove All
Remove all items from the list.
Move Up/Down
Set the order by moving an item up/down.
Click on 'OK' to return to the Quick Access Wheel.
5.4 'Scroll'
Click on the 'Scroll' tab (figure 17) to set the mouse wheel properties.
Figure 17: Mouse Properties - Scroll
Scrolling speed:
Set the speed for scrolling in a document etc.
Trust Dynamic Scroll
Accelerated scrolling in a document when used in combination with a mouse button.
Scrolling direction
The direction of rotation of the mouse can be changed using this function.