To en gage the drive, squeeze the drive clutch con trol
dle (see Fig
ure 11) to
wards the up
per han
Re lease the drive clutch con trol to slow down when
ne go ti at ing an ob sta cle, mak ing a turn, or stop ping.
The blade con
trol han
dle must be de
pressed in or der to op er ate the unit. Re lease the
blade con
trol han
dle to stop the en
gine and
ING: This con
trol mech
nism is a
safety de
vice. Never at
tempt to by
pass its
op er a tions.
To Stop Engine :
Re lease the blade con trol han dle to stop the en gine
and blade.
nect and ground the spark plug wire as in
structed in the sep
rate en
gine man
ual to pre
ac ci den tal start ing while equip ment is un at tended.
WARN ING: The blade con tin ues to ro tate for
a few sec onds af ter the en gine is shut off.
Using Your Lawn Mower
You can use your mower as a mulcher or a rear
bagger or for side dis charge of grass.
Clear lawn of de
Be sure that the lawn is clear of
stones, sticks, wire or other for
eign ob
jects which could
dam age the lawnmower. Such ob jects could be ac ci den -
tally thrown out by the mower in any di rec tion and cause
se ri ous per sonal in jury to the op er a tor and oth ers as well
as dam age to prop erty and sur round ing ob jects.
Do not cut wet grass
. For ef fec tive mulch ing do not cut
wet grass be cause it tends to stick to the un der side of the
deck pre vent ing proper mulch ing of the grass clip pings.
For a healthy lawn, al ways cut off one-third or less of
the to tal length of the grass. Lawn should be trimmed
in fall as long as there is growth.
ING: If you strike a for
eign ob
ject, stop
the en gine. Re move wire from spark plug, thor -
oughly in spect the mower for any dam age, and
re pair the dam age be fore re start ing and op er at -
ing the mower. Ex ten sive vi bra tion of the mower
dur ing op er a tion is an in di ca tion of dam age. The
unit should be promptly in
spected and re
Ad just ing Cut ting Height
Re fer to the ad just ment sec tion of this man ual for in -
struc tions on how to ad just the cut ting height.
For best re
sults in mow
ing, keep the cut
ting height
tion high un
til you can de
mine a suit
cate the ball bear
ings in each wheel at least
once a sea son with a light oil. Also, if the wheels are
re moved for any rea son, lu bri cate the sur face of the
axle bolt and the in ner sur face of the wheel with light
oil. En gine oil may also be used.
En gine
Fol low en gine man ual for lu bri ca tion in struc tions.
Blade Con trol
Lu bri cate the pivot points on the blade con trol han dle
and the brake ca ble at least once a sea son with light
oil. The blade con trol must op er ate freely in both di -
rec tions.
Rear and Side Dis charge Doors
The tor sion springs and pivot points should be lu bri -
cated pe ri od i cally with light oil to pre vent any rust or
bind ing. Door must work freely.
Trans mis sion
The trans mis sion is pre-lu bri cated and sealed at the
fac tory and does not re quire lu bri ca tion on a reg u lar
ba sis as part of main te nance.
WARN ING: Al ways stop the en gine and dis -
con nect the spark plug wire be fore per form -
ing any main te nance work or ad just ments on
your lawn mower.
Clean ing Mower
The un der side of the mower deck should be cleaned
af ter each use to pre vent a buildup of grass clip pings,
leaves, dirt or other mat ter. Fol low the steps be low for
this job.
We do not rec om mend the use of pres -
sure wash ers or gar den hose to clean your unit.
These may cause dam
age to elec
tric com
nents, spin dles, pul leys, bear ings, or the en gine.
The use of wa ter will re sult in short ened life and
re duce ser vice abil ity.
Dis con nect spark plug wire.
Drain gas o line from the lawn mower, or place a piece
of plas tic un der the gas cap.
Tip the mower so that it rests on the hous ing. Keep
the side with the air cleaner fac
. Hold the
mower firmly
Fig ure 11
Con trol Han dle