User Manual Qiwi Lite
Release 11/2016
Seite 19 von 31
In the upper status bar of the web interface the actual status is displayed as text. The status codes are
sent as Traps. If there are several faults, the sum is displayed.
Example: A status code of 10 means Power (2) and Link Down (8).
In the case of a fault event the status is signaled with a fault contact (see chapter 7.3) and traps (see
chapter 7.4)
Fault contact
The Fault Contact is used to signalize occurring fault events. The Fault Contact can be connected with
devices to receive the fault massage.
The configuration of the Fault Contact is performed in the web interface at
Configuration > Fault
. Different events (see chapter 7.2) can be set as trigger for the Fault Contact:
► Power (active as default)
► Temperature (active as default)
► Linkdown
► Internal
► Digital Input
Further the reset of the Fault Contact is configured in two different manners:
► „automatic“: The Fault Contact is automatically reset (inactive) if the problem that caused the
trigger is solved.
► „manual“: The Fault Contact is automatically reset (inactive), as soon as the button “reset” is
clicked on the web interface. If there are one or more active trigger events, the Fault Contact
stays active.
The electrical features of the Fault Contact are described in chapter 12.1
Fehler! Verweisquelle
konnte nicht gefunden werden.
, the connection in chapter 3.3.