Firmware Manual • Firmware Version V1.10 | Document Revision V1.00 • 2018-OCT-02
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sixPoint Motion Controller
TRINAMIC’s sixPoint motion controller is a new type of ramp generator which offers faster machine opera-
tion compared to the classical linear acceleration ramps. The sixPoint ramp generator allows adapting the
acceleration ramps to the torque curves of a stepper motor. It uses two different acceleration settings for
the acceleration phase and also tow different deceleration settings for the deceleration phase. Start and
stop speeds greater than zero can also be used.
Figure 3: Typical motion profile with TRINAMIC’s sixPoint motion controller
A six point ramp begins using the start speed V
(which can also be zero). Then, the acceleration
value A1 will be used to accelerate the motor to the speed V1. When the speed V1 has been reached,
the motor will be further accelerated using the acceleration value A2 until it has reached the speed V
The deceleration phase begins using the deceleration value D2. After reaching the speed V1 again the
deceleration value D2 will be used to declerate to the stop speed V
(which can also be zero).
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