TMCM-078 Manual (V1.03 / September 10th, 2008)
Copyright © 2008, TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG
The second parameter is the velocizy (given in microsteps/s) to be used during reference search. The
third parameter is the acceleration (given in microsteps/s²) to be used to accelerate the motor to the
reference search velocity (the A command is not used for this purpose – it can be set to zero in order
to make the TMCM-078 switch back to step/direction mode after the reference search has finished).
The fourth parameter is only needed with reference search mode 8. This makes it possible to use
different StallGuard threshold values for reference search and for normal operation.
The ‘r’ command output all four reference search parameters.
Command ‘T’ and ‘t’: set RS485 delay
The ‘T’ command sets the time before characters received by the RS485 interface are echoed back. The
delay time value is given in units of 0.1ms. The default value is 250 (25.0ms). The ‘t’ command
outputs the actual setting.
Command ‘U’ and ‘u’: set RS485 bit rate
The parameter ‘U’ changes the baud rate of the module for RS485 communication according to the
following table:
Parameter U
Baud rate
9600 baud
14400 baud
19200 baud
28800 baud
38400 baud
57600 baud
76800 baud
115200 baud
Table 5.9: Baud rate
The ‘u’ command outputs the actual baud rate setting.
Command ‘V’ and ‘v’: velocity mode
The velocity mode allows rotation of the motor without external signals. In order to use this feature
an acceleration value different from zero has to be set first (using the A command). The velocity used
with the ‘V’ command is given in microsteps/s.
A practical limit with most stepper motor types is about 20 rotations / second in chopper mode 0 and
5 rotations / second in chopper mode 2.
The ‘v’ commands outputs the actual velocity.
AV –50000
ENTER: Accelerates motor to given velocity
Command ‘W’: store parameters to FlashROM
The W command stores the following settings to FlashROM so that they will become the power-on
Acceleration (set by command A)
Limit switch functionality (set by command L)
Reference search parameters (set by command R)
RS845 delay (set by command T)
RS485 baud raze (set by command U)
RS485 address (set by command @)
All actual parameters from list above are stored to FLashROM.