SIXpack 2 – Manual (V1.10 / January 29
, 2010)
Full Functionality
Inputs and Outputs
RS232 or RS485 interface
The RS 485 interface is a bi-directional 2-wire interface and can handle up to 255 slave devices in half-duplex
mode. The RS 232 interface can be used accordingly, however it is not possible to connect multiple transmitters to
the receiver input. The baud-rate is pre-configured to 19200 baud. It can be changed via command.
Instructions consist of a 9 byte word, which in turn consist of the address of the unit, a command byte and if
required parameters with a length of up to 7 bytes.
The command word always has to be completely transmitted during a parameterized timeout
(s. CMD $41). It will be aborted and not interpreted, when a break-code is received. If errors occur the interface can
be newly synchronized via break-code.
The address of the unit can be set via rotary switches (scanned on reset).
During parameter read out an instruction will be transmitted only after an adjustable transmitter switch-over time
(s. CMD $40; pre-set to 6ms) has passed. This allows the transmitter to switch to receiving mode. Ditto for the
opposite direction: The PACK continues to drive the line for a pre-set time after transmitting a message. The
direction can be checked at the RTS-line of the RS 232-interface (negative = SIXpack 2 is in sending mode). The CTS-
line will be ignored.
When a valid command word is received, the status LED flashes.
CAN interface
The integrated CAN-Controller supports the full CAN-specifications 2.0B. Nevertheless, it is recommended to use 11
address bits, only. Telegrams with a fixed length of 8 bytes are used. The address of the unit (upper 8 address
bits) can be set via rotary switches (scanned on reset). The lower 3 address bits are fixed to “000“. Take care:
According to the CAN standard 0 is no valid address! Address range: $008 to $7F8 (in increments of 8).
After receiving the first valid instruction via CAN, control via RS 232 or RS 485 will be terminated. The CAN
response address is transferred to SIXpack 2 in a 8 bit format, like at RS 232 / 485. For responding the address is
shifted to the left by 3 bits, resulting in the same address range as defined above. If continuous error conditions
occur, CAN and RS 232 / 485 will be newly initialized. For setting the Baud rate please refer to chapter 5.2.3.
Ready output
The Ready output can be activated (low, open collector, with pullup to 4.3V internally), whenever a motor is active
(velocity above 0) or at reference search. The ready output will be switched within 2ms after start/end of motor
action. The repeatability (Jitter) matches approximately the micro step rate at start or stop (see command
, CMD $13, SQPack-Tab „Velocity & Acceleration”).
Multifunctional connector “RS232”
The 10 pin connector “RS232” next to the motor connectors offers divers inputs and outputs for additional
functions of the SIXpack 2.