Trikke Owner’s Manual 6/5/07
Trikke Riding Manual
Now that you have successfully assembled your new Trikke
cambering vehicle, we will
take you through some simple riding tips to help you get started. We always recommend
that you ride with a helmet and safety gear. Pay special attention to where you are riding,
your proximity to other people, and especially your proximity to cars if you are learning
to ride on a street or in a parking lot. Please exercise repectful path etiquette where other
riders and pedestrians are onthe same path.
Athletes who are accustomed to skiing or inline
skating typically pick it up in a matter of minutes.
Don’t be discouraged if you can’t climb on
and speed away at 15 miles per hour. Being an
entirely new vehicle, it requires some new skills.
Regardless of your athletic background, you can
learn to ride a Trikke cambering vehicle in a
relatively short period of time --- usually in less
than an hour.
The greatest words of wisdom are:
“Keep going until you feel the sweet spot.” You’ll know it when you feel it. If friends or
family are riding for the first time, for their safety please take the time to properly instruct
them and have them wear safety equipment.
You are now embarking on a totally new experience for mankind. It is once in a century
that a truly new technology emerges to change our way of thinking about motion and its
application. Conservation of angular momentum is the physical principle that the Trikke
cambering vehicle harnesses in order to transfer the rider’s energy into forward momentum.
It is the painstaking research and development by Trikke Tech over a period of 12 years that
has optimized the melding of this principle with a human powered vehicle.
The exclusive 3CV™ Technology
developed by Trikke Tech is the
mechanism that makes this forward
propulsion possible. The unique
cambering mechanism is elegantly
simple yet provides the necessary
rigidity, geometry and resistance to the
rider’s motion to allow for optimum
control, speed, comfort, durability
and especially rider confidence. You
are now the owner of the original Trikke cambering vehicle.