13 Unbalanced Output
These are the unbalanced RCA outputs to be used with amplifiers and active
loudspeakers that have unbalanced RCA inputs. You’ll find the left channel output on top
and the right channel output on the bottom. The Snow White does not invert phase over
these outputs.
14 – 16 Unbalanced Inputs
The RCA pairs INPUT 5 through INPUT 7 are the unbalanced analogue line inputs . The
top row of the inputs is the left channel and the bottom row for the right stereo channel.
These inputs can be used with all traditional line-level sources such as Tuners, CD
Players, Tape Deck, etc.
Turntables will need a separate phono stage (such as the
Trigon Vanguard II
) to amplify the signal of the phono cartridge to a level which the
SnowWhite II
can accept.
17 – 20 SPDIF-Inputs
To these jacks digital audio devices can be connected, which emit an output signal in
accordance with the SPDIF standard. The amplifier can work up to 24 bit 192kHz.