TDcH Compact Headend
You can insert 8 Conditional Access Modules (CAM) into a TDcH Compact Headend
Each CA module is able to unscramble at least one service. Which services depend on the service provider of the CA
module and smart card.
CAM configuration
At the first step you have to assign to a CA module the services the CA module should handle. To assign the services
open the drop-down menu under SOURCE and choose the tuner you would like to select services for a CA module.
In the DESTINATION column you can now choose the services you would like to send to a CA module.
It is possible to send services from different transponders to the same CA modules, so that the amount of needed CA
modules can be reduced.
Please do not overload the CA module with services and please secure that the supported amount of PIDs is not
The supplier of the CA module can inform you about how many PIDs the CA module can support.