6 Advanced Topics
This chapter handles topics which are not part of the basic setup of an axis described in chapter 5.
6.1 Commutation with Absolute Encoders
For the commutation of a synchronous AC motor the angle between the magnetic field of the rotor and
the stator windings needs to be known. With relative encoders, this angle has to be determined at least
after each restart of the drive which is called
(see also section 5.2.7). With absolute encoders,
the commutation angle does not change relative to the encoder position and therefore the phasing has
to be executed only once. The resulting commutation angle can then be stored and reused after each
restart. The following absolute encoder protocols are supported:
This section describes how to setup the commutation with absolute encoders and how the commuta-
tion angle can be saved to the drive or to the encoder.
Consider that mechanical adjustments of the encoder or the motor or replacement of the
encoder, motor or the drive affect the commutation angle and may require an execution of a
phasing-sequence to restore the commutation angle.
6.1.1 EnablingMethod
The parameter
allows to define how the commutation angle is derived
from the absolute encoder. The following options are available:
: In this case the commutation angle is directly derived from the absolute posi-
tion of the encoder. This case requires a preset of the encoder by the manufacturer of the motor
or by the user (see section 6.1.2).
: In this case the commutation offset is loaded from the encoder
memory. This requires a successful initial phasing of the axis followed by storing the offset to the
encoder (see section 6.1.3).
: In this case the commutation offset is loaded from the drive mem-
ory. This requires a successful initial phasing of the axis followed by storing the configuration
persistent on the drive (see section 6.1.4).