Add/Edit Route
Adds a new route to the IP routing table or edits an existing route.
Specifies whether the entry will be enabled or disabled.
Destination IP:
The IP address of packets that will take this route.
One bits in the mask specify which bits of the IP address must match.
Specifies the next hop to be taken if this route is used. A gateway of implies
there is no next hop, and the IP address matched is directly connected to the router on the
interface specified: LAN or WAN.
Specifies the interface -- LAN or WAN -- that the IP packet must use to transit out of
the router, when this route is used.
The relative cost of using this route.
Saves the new or edited route in the following list. When finished updating the routing
table, you must still click the
Save Settings
button at the top of the page to make the changes
effective and permanent.
Routes List
The section shows the current routing table entries. Certain required routes are predefined and
cannot be changed. Routes that you add can be changed by clicking the Edit icon, or deleted
by clicking the Delete icon. When you click the Edit icon, the item is highlighted, and the "Edit
Route" section is activated for editing.