Trend Micro Network VirusWall Enforcer 1200 Quick Start Manuals Download Page 1




Network VirusWall™ Enforcer 1200 

Quick Start Guide

Quick Start Guide

Trend Micro™ Network VirusWall™ Enforcer 1200 (NVWE) controls access to the corporate network 
to ensure that all devices-managed or unmanaged, local or remote-comply with corporate security 
policies before they connect. It prevents security risks from entering the network by scanning devices 
for the most up-to-date security software and critical Microsoft patches. 
Use this 

Quick Start Guide

 to get Network VirusWall Enforcer 1200 up and running on your network. 

To obtain more information on product features and configure more advanced settings, see the 
following documentation: 


Getting Started Guide — Helps you plan for deployment and perform initial tasks. 


Administrator’s Guide — Helps you configure all product features. 


Online help — Helps you configure all features and is accessible from the Web console. To 

access the online help, open the Web console and click the help icon     .  


Readme — Contains late-breaking product information that might not be found in the other 

documentation. Topics include a description of features, installation tips, known issues, and 
product release history.  


 Trend Micro recommends checking the corresponding link from the Update Center 

( for updates to the 

Upgrade Guide, Quick Start Guide, 

Getting Started Guide, Administrator’s Guide, Readme, and program file. 

Please verify that the carton contains each of the following items:

• Local offices: 
• Phone: + 1 (800) 228-5651 or + 1 (408) 257-1500    
• Address: Trend Micro, 10101 N. De Anza Blvd, Cupertino, CA - 95014, USA 

Explanation of front panel items 

The front panel of Network VirusWall Enforcer 1200 contains a Liquid Crystal Display (LCD), 
panel, ports, and LEDs. The following table describes each front panel element. 

Open and inspect the Network VirusWall Enforcer 1200 carton

Network VirusWall Enforcer 1200 scans all inbound and outbound traffic.

Understand Network VirusWall Enforcer 1200

Contact Information

Network VirusWall Enforcer 1200 has three light emitting diodes (LEDs) that indicate SYSTEM, 
POLICY, and OUTBREAK status. The following table shows the possible behavior for each LED. 

Explanation of LED indicators






E l e m e n t  

Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) 


RESET Button 

Ports 1,2 

Management Port 


Connect to this port to access the Network VirusWall Enforcer 1200 
Web console.  This port can also be used as a mirror port. 

The Network VirusWall Enforcer 1200 documentation refers to each 
port by its number (for example, port 1 or 2). 

A 2.6 in x 0.6 in (65mm x 16mm) dot display LCD that is capable of 
displaying messages in 2 rows of 16 characters each. 

Resets the device. 

Connect to this port to access the Network VirusWall Enforcer 
Preconfiguration console. 

5-button control panel that provides LCD navigation. 

D e s c r i p t i o n  

E l e m e n t  

AC Power Receptacle 

Power Switch 

Fan Vent (Intake) 

Intake cooling vent for the device. 

Fan Vent (Exhaust) 

Exhaust cooling vent for the device. 

Connects to the power outlet and the device using the power cord 
(included in the package, see 

Package Contents 

on page 1-2). 

Powers the device on and off. 

D e s c r i p t i o n  

Before proceeding with the Network VirusWall Enforcer 1200 setup, decide how to integrate the 
device into your network and determine which topology it will support. Position Network 
VirusWall Enforcer 1200 between layer 2 (L2) or layer 3 (L3) devices to scan all packets entering 
and leaving that section of the network. 

Identify segments of your network to protect by considering which kinds of endpoints may 
introduce viruses or violate security policies. Also, consider the location of resources that are 
critical to your organization. Policies are applied based on the trigger criteria that the endpoint 
matches. Once an endpoint matches the trigger criteria of one policy, only that policy is applied 
to the endpoint. 

Decide the network configuration





L E D   S t a t e  

D e s c r i p t i o n  


Device is booting. 

Power-On Self-Test (POST) error. 

Network VirusWall Enforcer 1200 program file (firmware) is ready. 

Red - flashing 

Red - steady 

Green - steady 


Network Scan, or Policy Enforcement is enabled.

No multiple policy scan.

Green - flashing

Off (no color)


Red - flashing

Green - steady

OPS is enabled.

Registered to Control Manager.

The back panel of Network VirusWall Enforcer 1200 contains a power receptacle, power switch, 
and fan vents. 

Network VirusWall Enforcer 1200 back

Router or Switch 

Router or Switch 

Endpoints Endpoints 

Network VirusWall Enforcer 1200 

Ethernet Cable 

(RJ-45 Crossover) 

Power Cord 

Network VirusWall 1200 

Console Cable (RS-232) 

Rack Ears 

Document Set 


Mirror port

Port 1  Port 2 


Reset button

LCD module

and panel



Fan vent (intake) 

Fan vent (exhaust) 

Power switch 

AC power receptacle 

Mount the Network VirusWall Enforcer 1200 device in a standard, 19-inch four-post rack 
cabinet, or on any stable surface as a freestanding device. Instructions can be found in 

Getting Started Guide

, which is available in print, on the Network VirusWall Enforcer 

1200 CD, and from the Trend Micro Update Center.

When mounting the device, be sure to allow at least two inches clearance in all directions 
for cooling.

Mount the Network VirusWall Enforcer 1200 device



Use the chart below to prepare the network values for which Network VirusWall Enforcer 1200 
will prompt you. 

To register Network VirusWall Enforcer 1200 to Trend Micro Control Manager, you need to 
prepare additional Control Manager specific information. Refer to Appendix B in the 

Administrator’s Guide

 for more information about Control Manager and instructions on 

registering Network VirusWall Enforcer 1200 to Control Manager. 

Hardware Setup

Value Your 


IP address  


Default gateway 

DNS server 1 

DNS server 2 


The computer you choose for preconfiguration must have HyperTerminal.

To prepare the Preconfiguration console:

1. Connect one end of the included console cable to the CONSOLE port on the front panel of the

device and the other end to the serial port (COM1, COM2, or other COM port) on a computer.

2. Open HyperTerminal:



Start > Programs > Accessories > Communications > HyperTerminal


    HyperTerminal prompts you for location information.




 when prompted for dial-up location information.


 Type the information and press 


 to enter information in the terminal interface.


 On the HyperTerminal window, click 

File > Properties



 Click the 




 Under Backspace key sends, select 




 Trend Micro recommends configuring HyperTerminal properties so that the

backspace key is set to delete.

3. To prepare HyperTerminal for optimal use, set the following properties:

● Bits per second: 115200
● Data Bits: 8
● Parity: None
● Stop bits: 1
● Flow control: None
● Emulation: VT100

Prepare the Preconfiguration console


