If you have any issue registering your details online, please call us or email using
the above contact information.
Share Your Experience
We’d love to
see and
hear how you’re getting on with your Trekinetic wheelchair
and so would the rest of the Trekinetic community! Seeing photos of our
customers all over the world makes what we do all the more worthwhile, but it
also raises awareness of our products and allows others to see the chairs being
The easiest way to share your stories is to tag us on social media (Facebook,
Instagram or Twitter) using our handle
and hashtag
If you don’t use social
media, please feel free to email your pictures and video to
us using the above email address and we’ll share them for you (with your
permission of course)
Safety Notice
This wheelchair has been designed to the highest standards with a specific focus
on user safety.
The revolutionary Trekinetic K2 has been independently tested to ensure it
meets or exceeds current strength and fatigue standards but nevertheless, users
may put themselves at risk by improperly using their wheelchair or exceeding
recommended guidelines.
Many actions are different compared to a traditional four-wheel, rear driven
chair so please allow yourself time to explore these in a safe environment, ideally
with a companion. Get to know how it performs and test the seat in various
positions, for example you will find that the chair is more stable downhill with the
seat reclined.
Unlike a conventional four wheelchair, our unique three-wheel design all but
ensures you will always have a wheel in contact with the ground, which makes it
especially stable off road. You may find that you can go across certain terrains at
higher speeds than many other chairs, however, even the Trekinetic K2 has its
limits, so always be mindful, that as speed rises, stability and safety decreases.