Safety Tips
Chapter 1: Introduction
TranStar® PC-100/PC-200/PC-300/PC-350/PC-400/PC-450/
Page 1 - 41
Series Stretcher Service Manual (man115re)
Safety Tips
Establish policies and procedures to train and educate your staff on the
stretcher operation. Personnel should never have their entire body
below the sleep surface and within the confines of the stretcher. If
service personnel need to get under the stretcher, block up the hilow
portion as an added precaution. Failure to do so could result in personal
Set the brakes and leave the stretcher in the low position when the
patient is unattended. Give the stretcher a solid tug to ensure that the
brakes are set. Patients may use the stretcher for support when getting
on or off the stretcher, and injuries could result if the brakes are not set.
Use the steer mode only when patient transport is necessary.
Leave the siderails fully up and locked when the patient is unattended
and when patient transport is necessary. When raising the siderails,
ensure that you hear the click that signals the up and locked condition.
Give the siderails a solid tug to ensure that they are firmly in position.
Failure to do so could result in personal injury.
Only facility-authorized maintenance personnel should troubleshoot the
TranStar® Series Stretcher. Troubleshooting by unauthorized
personnel could result in personal injury and equipment damage.
Only facility-authorized maintenance personnel should perform
preventive maintenance on the TranStar® Series Stretcher. Preventive
maintenance performed by unauthorized personnel could result in
personal injury and equipment damage.