4.21 Electric Stretcher Head Drive Assembly
Chapter 4: Removal, Replacement, and Adjustment Procedures
Page 4 - 64
TranStar® PC-100/PC-200/PC-300/PC-350/PC-400/PC-450/
Series Stretcher Service Manual (man115re)
4.21 Electric Stretcher Head Drive Assembly
Tools required:
T25 Torx®
head bit
3/16" pin punch
½" socket
Phillips head screwdriver
Torque wrench 0-250 in-lb
Retaining ring removal/installation tool
Blue Loctite®
(P/N SA3618) adhesive
Unplug the unit from its power source. Failure to do so could result in
personal injury and equipment damage.
1. Unplug the stretcher from its power source.
2. Put the stretcher in the following configuration: the back section down, the
thigh section up, the foot section up, and the hilow up.
3. Using the ratchet and the T25 Torx® head bit, remove the two screws (I)
that hold the gearbox cover weldment (K) to the gearbox (see figure 4-31
on page 4-65).
4. Using the 3/16" pin punch and hammer, remove the roll pin (H) that
secures the head drive assembly (O) to the gearbox linkage.
5. Pull the gearbox shaft out of the head drive assembly (O).
Use care when removing the cable attachment screws. Keep the CPR
release cable assembly together to aid in the installation. Equipment
damage can occur.
6. Using the ratchet and ½" socket, remove the two cable attachment screws
(M) that secure the CPR release cable assembly (N) to the bottom of the
head drive assembly (O).
7. Using the ratchet and ½" socket, remove the four actuator mounting
bolts (J).
1. Torx® is a registered trademark of Textron, Inc.
2. Loctite® is a registered trademark of Loctite Corporation.