TK 56917-11-MM-EN
Power Inverter Diagnostics
Inverter will not Power Up or No Power at GFCI.
Confirm DC disconnect switch located on the outside of the charger box
is in the ON position.
Rotate knob to ON position.
The power inverter will also need to be turned on anytime
the DC disconnect switch was turned OFF.
Blown Fuses
Check the 150 Amp fuses; one is located inside the charger box
and one is located at the LG battery.
Replace fuse(s) if necessary.
Check for cause of blown fuse, e.g., poor battery cable
connection, cable rubbing and shorted to chassis, etc.
Check 20 Amp fuse located inside charger box
Replace fuse if necessary.
Check for cause of blown fuse, e.g., poor battery cable
connection, cable rubbing and shorted to chassis, etc.
Inverter is Powered Down
Turn the power inverter ON by pressing the inverter’s power
button until it quickly beeps.
Solid GREEN Status LED, flashing YELLOW LED indicates
power inverter is working and has AC output. Check for power
at GFCI Outlet and go through the
GFCI Outlet Output
which start on page 23.
Alternating YELLOW GREEN LED indicates (with Code E05) is a
warning indicating battery voltage is under the mode
threshold (P01, P02: 12.2v / P03, P04: 12.5v) and AC output
is about to turn off. Recommended operating charging source
to charge up battery voltage above 13.1v
Flashing RED Status LED indicates an error condition has been
detected and the power inverter has stopped working and
providing AC Output. See
“Diagnostic Procedures using Power
Battery voltage is below mode setting (P01, P02: 12.2v / P03, P04:
Ensure all charging plugs/connections from charging source if
accessible (7 way, stinger cord) are seated properly .
Run charging source (tractor, unit) for at least 5 minutes to charge
up source batteries above 13.1v. Confirm battery voltage above
13.1v. If battery voltage does not rise or hold charge, diagnose
and repair charging system or replace batteries.