General Information
The Sintesis RTAF units are helical-rotary type, air-cooled
chillers designed for outdoor installation. The refrigerant
circuits are factory-piped, leak tested and dehydrated.
Every unit is electrically tested for proper control
operation before shipment.
Chilled water inlet and outlet openings are covered for
shipment. The Sintesis RTAF features Trane’s exclusive
Adaptive Control™ logic, which monitors the control
variables that govern the operation of the chiller unit.
Adaptive control logic can adjust capacity variables to
avoid chiller shutdown when necessary, and keep
producing chilled water. The units feature two
independent refrigerant circuits. Each circuit utilizes at
least one compressor driven by an Adaptive Frequency
Drive. Each refrigerant circuit is provided with filter, sight
glass, electronic expansion valve, and charging valves.
The shell-and-tube CHIL™ (Compact-High performance-
Integrated design-Low charge) evaporator is
manufactured in accordance with the ASME standards or
other international codes. Each evaporator is fully
insulated and equipped with water drain and vent
Units are shipped with full oil charge and can be ordered
with either a factory refrigerant charge or optional
nitrogen charge.
Accessories and Loose Parts
Check all the accessories and loose parts that are shipped
with the unit against the shipping list. Included in these
items will be the water vessel drain plugs, rigging and
electrical diagrams, service literature, which are placed
inside the control panel and/or starter panel for shipment.
If optional elastomeric isolators are ordered with the unit
(model number digit 37=1) they are shipped mounted on
the horizontal support frame of the chiller.
Component Locations
Evaporator Piping and Compressors
See figure below for evaporator orientation and water
flow orientation. See unit submittal for water connection
location dimensions.
Figure below also shows the location of compressors for
the various unit configurations.
On 3- and 4-compressor units, location of
compressor 2A varies with unit size. See
unit labels to verify component
Figure 2.
Evaporator piping and compressor locations
Compressor 1A
Compressor 1B
Compressor 2A
Compressor 2B
Control P
Circuit 1
Control P
Circuit 2
3-Compressor Units
(280 to 390 tons)
4-Compressor Units
(410 to 520 tons)
Compressor 1A
Compressor 1B
Compressor 2A
Control P
Circuit 1
Control P
Circuit 2
2-Compressor Units
(115 to 270 tons)
Compressor 1
Compressor 2
View A
(Evaporator end view -
from non-control panel end)
See View A
Evap ckt 2
Evap ckt 1
Water Inlet
Water Outlet
Water Inlet
Water Outlet
Evap ckt 2
Evap ckt 1
Evap ckt 2
Evap ckt 1