Operating Procedures
Liq Line Solenoid
Status of the solenoid valve installed on the liquid line
EX Valve
Indicates the position of electronic expansion valve, if
Comp (X) En/Dis
Compressor enable / disable button.
Comp (X) Status
1. Comp OFF. Compressor is off and can't be turned on.
2. Ready. Compressor is off but can be turned on.
3. OFF by Cond Flow. Compressor has been called to run
but waiting for Condenser Flow proof
4. OFF by Evap Flow. Compressor has been called to run
but waiting for Evaporator Flow proof.
5. OFF by Min Off. Compressor is cycling through safety
Minimum Off Time.
6. OFF by Switch. Compressor is off by En/Dis Switch.
7. OFF by Alarm. Compressor is off by Alarm.
8. Running. Compressor is running.
9. ON by Min On. Compressor has been called off
although it keeps running due to safety Minimum On
10. ON by Pumpdown. Compressor has been called off but
keeps running due to Pump-down sequence.
Comp (X) Speed
Can be displayed in different units.
1. Volts. If PLC analog output is used to control variable
speed compressor.
2. RPM. Compressor speed is communicated to external
variable speed drive, for instance VFD.
Module I/O Screens
Data is collected by sensors as either analog or digital
signals and displayed on the IO Status screens.
When the module screen is displayed, pressing the I/O
button displays the I/O menu.
The I/O menu is comprised of three screens. Both client
and server modules have analog I/O (analog input and
analog output), and digital I/O (digital input and digital
output). The third screen, expansion I/O, only applies to
the client module. For a dual Gen II Air-Cooled chiller the
expansion board applie to Server module.
Table 5.
The input/output screens
Client/Server I/O Analog Screen
Client/Server I/O Digital Screen
Client/Server I/O Expansion Screen