Operating Procedures
HMI Functions
1 - HMI Software Version
Calls up the pop-up window
Project Name: HMI software project name; Software
Version.: HMI software version. Consists of 4 two-digit
numbers. First 2 numbers: major and minor software
revision. Third number stands for special software
revision. If any project has the special software, this
number would be different from '00'. Fourth number
stands for beta software revision.
2 - HMI User Management / Login
Current User: indicates which user is currently logged in.
There are three users for the HMI: 'user', 'tech' and
user - (default user) has access to viewing data
mostly. The only allowed controls for this user are:
turning chiller bank on / off and turning
compressors on / off (described below). There is no
password for this user;
tech - higher access than user but still limited.
Beyond 'user' 'tech' can adjust cooling / heating
setpoints, turn separate modules on / off and has
access to some machine basic temperature control
settings (described below). Password is 'tech2';
admin - full access to all the settings.
Log in: Calls up user logging screen where user name and
password have to be entered
Log Out: unhidden for 'admin' and 'tech' users only. It logs
out from 'admin' or 'tech' user to a default user, which is
3 - Module Layout Access
The module layout access button provides fast access to
the module layout screen.
4 - Active Alarm Access
The active alarm access button provides fast access to a
list of currently active system alarms.
5 - Setpoint
Calls up cooling / heating setpoint pop-up screens
respectively depending on the Mode. Accessible for 'tech'
only. These boxes themselves display the resulting
cooling / heating setpoint used for machine temperature
control. Note: The only box on these pop-ups accessible
for 'tech' user. The other settings are view-only. See
Figure 13.
User logging screen