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Section 4. Adjust Heater
STEP 1 -
Remove control box
The heater and control box are connected when they
are shipped. Before installation is started, the con-
trol box must be disconnected from the heater.
1. Disconnect the three 4-pin plugs between the
breakers and the heater.
2. Disconnect the ground on the 3-pin plug that is at
the right front of the heater and connected with a
ring terminal to the heater base plate.
3. Disconnect the two ground wires from the lug on
the heater base plate.
Note: It is recommended that the ducting be
attached and sealed before installing the heater.
Ring terminal
4-pin plugs
STEP 2 -
Adjustment brackets
Two Width Adjustment Brackets are located at the
back of the heater assembly. The heater comes fac-
tory sized for the C cabinet. No modifications to the
Width Adjustment Brackets are required.
Width Adjustment Brackets
(two per unit)