should be pressed for few seconds to power the chiller/
Cool and Heat Demand Comp / %
This is the cooling and heating demand value in terms
of the number of requested compressors as well as
continuous value as a percentage. A bar graph
representation of cooling or heating demand is
adjacent to the numeric value.
This is the number of chiller/heater modules set up at
the factory.
This is the number of chiller/heater modules currently
communicating with the primary microprocessor
controller, including the primary module.
Evaporator / Condenser / Source
This is the pumps operating state. A green LED
indicates that corresponding set of pumps is being
requested by the chiller/heater; otherwise pumps are
not requested.
Cool / Heat / Simult
This is the number of modules currently running in
cooling, heating, or simultaneous mode, in terms of
number of modules and number of compressors.
Log In
Pressing the Log-in button displays the Log-in window
where the access-level password is entered for the
‘tech’ and ‘admin’ levels. There is no name or
password required for the ‘user’ access level. Pressing
the sign in button automatically logs the operator into
the ‘user’ access level. See the following figure.
Figure 19.
User logging screen
Current Access Level
This item indicates which access level is currently
logged-in. There are three access levels for the
PolyTherm interface: ‘user,’ ‘tech,’ and ‘admin.’ See the
following table.
Table 4. Log-in screens
User Access Level
Tech Access Level
Admin Access Level
User Level
This is the default access level. This level has access for
viewing chiller/heater status information. The only
controls that this level can activate are turning the
chiller/heater on and off and turning compressors on
and off (as described below). There is no password
required for this access level.
Tech Level
This is a higher access level than ‘user,’ but still limited.
The ‘tech’ level can adjust cooling and heating set
points, turn individual modules on and off, and access
some basic temperature control settings. This level of
access is only available to service technician personnel.