Southwestern Industries, Inc.
KMX Knee Mill, Bed Mill & ProtoTRAK
KMX CNC Retrofit Safety, Programming, Operating & Care Manual
Basic Operation
Whether as a retrofit or as part of a TRAK Mill, the ProtoTRAK KMX CNC combines the
simplicity and flexibility of using a knee or bed mill with the easy, natural user interface
that makes the ProtoTRAK the top brand in CNCs for small lot machining.
ProtoTRAK KMX Basic Operation.
Switching the ProtoTRAK KMX CNC on and off
Turn the ProtoTRAK KMX System on by moving the on-off toggle switch located
directly under the power cord.
When it is first turned on the system will display a series of boot-up screens while
the ProtoTRAK KMX system loads.
You should turn the ProtoTRAK off with the following procedure:
Press Mode, Restore, Shut Down and answer Yes.
Turn the power off at the back panel toggle switch.
Screen saver
If the system is not used (either by a keystroke or by counting) for 20
continuous minutes, the LCD will turn itself off. Press any key to bring the
screen back to its previous display. The key you press will be ignored except to
turn the screen on.
Switching Between two and Three-Axis Operation
All 3-axis ProtoTRAK KMX machines may be operated in a 2-axis mode. To do
so, press MODE, RESTORE and the GO TO 2-AXIS soft key. Use the same
procedure to switch back the 3-axis operation. You may find that for one-off flat
parts, the 2-axis operation is more convenient and quicker.
The functions of the ProtoTRAK KMX are divided into Modes. Modes are groups
of activities that belong together. Organizing the ProtoTRAK KMX this way
makes it easy to use because you don't have to memorize how to do things.
Simply select the Mode and then choose from the options.
The Modes of the ProtoTRAK KMX are:
Contains the DRO features for working manually or setting up to run a
Where programs are written and edited, and part
graphics displayed.
Where programs are run to make parts.