Southwestern Industries, Inc.
KMX Knee Mill, Bed Mill & ProtoTRAK
KMX CNC Retrofit Safety, Programming, Operating & Care Manual
Optional Equipment
Power Draw Bar
A manual draw bar comes standard with the machine. A power draw bar option
may be ordered. The TRAK K3KMX uses an R-8 spindle and draw bar.
Remote Stop Go Switch
For the convenience of operation while running the program, a Remote Stop/Go
switch may be purchased. This switch is on a ten-foot cable and operates like
the FEED Stop and Go keys on the display.
Work Light (TRAK Knee Mills Only)
An optional halogen work light is available. It mounts to the left side (facing) of
the column and plugs into a 110v outlet in the electrical cabinet.
Coolant Pump (TRAK Knee Mills Only)
The optional coolant pump is mounted in the back of the machine column. It is
plugged into the electrical cabinet and may be configured to operate as
commanded by the auxiliary functions, or with a separate switch.
Spray Coolant (TRAK Knee Mills Only)
The Fog Buster® spray coolant option consists of a one-gallon holding tank,
nozzle, air lines and an air regulator for attaching compressed air. Coolant flow is
adjusted by a needle valve at the sprayer head. Air flow is adjusted at the air
pressure regulator with gage. Once flows are set, sprayer operation is controlled
by an air toggle switch or by interface with the optional Auxiliary Functions.
Chip Pan (TRAK Knee Mills Only)
The Chip Pan option is available for TRAK Knee Mills only, not available for
Table Guard (TRAK Knee Mills Only)
The Table guard option provides an enclosed workspace mounted on the table.
The sliding door is switched to prevent operation of the CNC Run with the door
open. While it will aid in the control of chips and coolant, it is not a full,
waterproof enclosure. The Table Guard is available for TRAK Knee Mills only, it
is not available for retrofits.
USB Thumb Drive
The USB Thumb Drive option is an industrial grade Delkin Devices 512MB thumb
drive. It serves the following purposes:
Save program files for backing up or additional storage
Load program files
Share program files between ProtoTRAKs or computers