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Page 3: ...FWLRQ DQG 7HVWLQJ 3DFNDJLQJ 8QSDFNLQJ FFHVVRULHV 3UHSDUDWLRQ IRU 8VH 2SHUDWLQJ 3URFHGXUHV Controls and Their Functions 7 Vacuum Tube Layout 8 Tube Replacement 8 9 Servicing 9 7HFKQLFDO 6SHFL FDWLRQV 9 T f ti A di Trafomatic Audi 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Trafomatic Audio E x p e rie n ce H e ad O n e omat omat ...
Page 4: ...p e rie n ce H e ad O n e Trafom Trafom CAUTION 72 5 8 7 5 6 2 75 6 2 2 127 5 029 6 5 6 12 86 5 6 59 3 576 16 5 5 6 59 1 72 48 6 59 3 56211 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS IMPORTANT SAFEGUARDS PLEASE READ CAREFULLY ALL THE FOLLOWING IMPORTANT SAFEGUARDS THAT ARE APPLICABLE TO YOUR EQUIPMENT ...
Page 5: ...leaning Unplug this product from the wall outlet before clean SERVICE 1 Replacement Parts KHQ UHSODFHPHQW SDUWV DUH UHTXLUHG EH VXUH WKDW the service technician uses replacement parts speci HG E WKH PDQXIDFWXUHU RU SDUWV ZLWK WKH VDPH FKDU DFWHULVWLFV DV WKH RULJLQDO SDUW 8QDXWKRUL HG VXE VWLWXWLRQV PD UHVXOW LQ UH HOHFWULF VKRFN RU RWKHU KD DUGV 2 Tube Replacement Should it become necessary to re...
Page 6: ...XUIDFH QVSHFW WKHP IRU FUDFNV VXUH WKDW WKH SLQV DUH hten the pins be very lass envelope to break acuum and fail as soon Q 5HIHU WR WKH GUDZLQJ on for each tube Care ocket and gently insert ZLQJ EHORZ 1HYHU IRUFH T f ti A di Trafomatic Audio 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Trafomatic Audio E x p e rie n ce H e ad O n e Trafom Trafom HWWLQJ 6WDUWHG ERXW RXU HDGSKRQH PSOL HU Figure 1 Experience Head One tube layout...
Page 7: ...6 Operating Procedure 1 Make sure that you read instructions before attempting to operate your unit Trafomatic Audi 6 6 6 6 6 6 Trafomatic Audio E x p e rie n ce H e ad O n e omat omat ...
Page 8: ...7 Front Panel Back Panel Trafomatic Audio 7 7 7 7 7 7 Controls and Their Functions ...
Page 9: ...s best and tube failure will not overstress other at its best and tube failure will not overstress other parts HIRUH tain th the AC OORZ WR FRR fore in DQG S straigh carefu causin DV WKH WKH DP tube s align t new tu you de Audio the sh Only UHFWL H No ot FDXVH ered b H GR as the are ra Servicing HFDXVH RI LWV FDUHIXO GHVLJQ DQG KLJK PDQXIDFWXU LQJ VWDQGDUGV RXU DPSOL HU VKRXOG QRUPDOO UHTXLUH only...
Page 10: ...b out Inputs CD AUX Input sensitivity 9HII Input resistance 47Kohm Output line voltage 7 9 7 9 7 9 Frequency bandwidth KHDGSKRQH DQG OLQH RXW G G 6XEZRRIHU RXW GE G S N G Minimum load resistance on LINE and SUB N RKP ERWK RXWSXWV VLPXOWDQHRXVO 1k ohm single output T5 5 Trafomatic Audio 5 5 5 5 9 9 9 9 9 9 Trafomatic Audio E x p e rie n ce H e ad O n e Trafom Trafom 7HFKQLFDO 6SHFL FDWLRQV ...
Page 11: ...10 10 0 0 Notes r a f om a ti c A u d i o T T ...
Page 12: ...Trafomatic Ltd QGLMH DEXVD 0ODGHQRYDF 6HUELD www trafomatic com Trafomatic Audio is a registered trademark of the Trafomatic LTD RS ULJKW E 7UDIRPDWLF OO ULJKWV UHVHUYHG Trafomatic Audio ...