The sealing and cutting depth of the sealing mechanism and the cutter can be adjusted with the use of the
hexagon key N4.1408 which is supplied with the tool as follows:
Place tool as shown above.
Loosen both screws N1.1168 and open them
by approx. 3 revolutions.
If sealing depth is not sufficient reset stop in the
direction of the base plate.
If sealing depth is excessive reset stop in the
direction of the body cover.
Retighten screws N1.1168.
Assembly Instructions
After every disassembly it is essential to retighten
screws N1.1182 and N1.1183 with the
recommended torque when reassembling. The
use of a torque key is necessary.
In case of heavy dirt and when painted straps are used the punch, dies, gripper and feed-wheel must be
cleaned regularly.
Normally it is sufficient to blow out the parts with the help of an air gun.
N1.1183=40 Nm
N1.1182=70 Nm
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