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6.1 Overview
Configuration Operating parameters
L__30-EPN +
pos + velocity
6 byte I
- Interpolation
- Counting direction
- Resolution
- Number of magnets
- Observer
- Averaging
- Unit v
80 Bit IN
- Preset adjustment with an acyclic write service
- Interpolation: ON/OFF
- Switch over counting direction
- Scaling of the measuring system
- Configuration of the operated magnets, max. 3
- Mathematical processing of the velocity values
- Averaging of the position values
- Resolution of the velocity output
pos + velocity
6 byte E
- Interpolation
- Counting direction
- Resolution
- Number of magnets
- Observer
- Averaging
- Unit v
- Option 1
- Option 2
128 Bit IN
- With MRP protocol
- Preset adjustment with an acyclic write service
- Interpolation: ON/OFF
- Switch over counting direction
- Scaling of the measuring system
- Configuration of the operated magnets, max. 30
- Mathematical processing of the velocity values
- Averaging of the position values
- Resolution of the velocity output
- Control function: Diagnostic alarm in case of
measurement errors
from the bus master perspective
is not implemented yet
Catalogue entry for the PROFINET Linear Measuring System:
Soft No. 5619:
L__30-EPN + L_46-EPN
for LMP30, LA46 and LP46
Soft No. 5637, 5641:
L-Series-EPN MRP
for LMP30, LA46 and LP46 with MRP
Under this entry already one input module “pos + velocity 6 byte I” is entered and
cannot be changed. The module transmits the position and velocity of the first
magnet. For every further magnet you must project also further input module.
Invalid inputs of parameter values are reported by the project engineering tool. The
particular limit values of the parameters are defined in the XML device description.