2-2. Detailed I/O area
0x10000000 to 0x10000100
Multi-purpose I/O (LCA)
0x11000000 to 0x111FFFFF
USB controller
0x12000000 to0x121FFFFF
Video controller
0x12200000 to 0x1233FFFF
Video memory (effective for 1280K byte)
0x13000000 to 0x132FFFFF
LAN controller
(NOTE 1) Consecutive addresses are not used on IC accessing in 8-bit unit.
In case of accessing to a register, access to even numbered addresses.
/Although inside information on multipurpose I/O is not published, control necessary to
use this board is supplied in the library.
/On controller IC, please ask information to the manufacturers.
USB controller: CYPRESS SL811HST
Video controller: EPSON S1D13806F00A1
LAN controller: SMSC LAN91C111
2-3. IRQ
Outside IRQ of SH3-CPU is used.
IRQ mode, used in negative logic.
Used controller
/IRQ 0
LAN controller
/IRQ 1
USB controller
/IRQ 2
Compact flash
/IRQ 3
/IRQ 4