1300 667 084
Pan Direction:- Normal
Camera moves same direction as arrow keys. Inverse:- Camera moves opposite direction of arrow keys.
Tilt Direction:- Normal
Camera moves same direction as arrow keys. Inverse:- Camera moves opposite direction of arrow keys.
Flip:- On or Off. When mounting the camera from the Ceiling you will want Flip On.
Mirror:- On or Off.
Voice Tracing: On or Off. If you have a number of speakers at once, It is best to take Voice Tracing/Tracking off.
Voice Delay:- 0seconds
No delay. 9 Seconds Longest Delay.
Speaker Mute: On/Off. Mic Mute:- On/Off.
Exposure Mode:-
AE Mode:- Different Options, best to leave on Auto as best result. If you divert from Auto you may see flickering.
Exposure Compensation: - Adjust accordingly. 8 is the Deafult setting.
Backlight:- On/Off Your Image may be too bright if you switch this On. Change this depending on your environment.
Wb Mode: - White Balance Setting. Default is Auto, you may want to change manually depending on environment.
Picture Settings:-