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Part Number: P103-QUATTRO
Installation and servicing of air-conditioning equipment can
be hazardous due to system pressure and electrical compo-
nents. Only trained and qualified service personnel should
install, repair, or service air-conditioning equipment.
Untrained personnel can perform basic maintenance func-
tions such as changing lamps. All other operations should be
performed by trained service personnel. When working on air-
conditioning equipment, observe precautions in the literature,
tags and labels attached to the unit or accessory, and other
safety precautions that may apply.
Follow all safety codes. Wear safety glasses and work
The Totaline® residential and commercial Quattro ultravio-
let germicidal air purifiers are designed to kill odor-causing
mold, fungus, bacteria and viruses that may be transmitted
through the air ducts of the HVAC (heating, ventilation and air
conditioning) equipment. The Quattro air purifier is installed
in the return (preferred) or supply air plenum of HVAC
equipment. The ultraviolet band light inhibits and kills mold,
fungus, bacteria, viruses and microbial growth on 100% of the
air flowing through the airstream. The actual percentage of
destruction depends on the size of the duct, the velocity of the
air, and the pollutant(s) treated. Depending on the size of the
building, the volume of airflow and the size of the duct, more
than one Quattro air purifier may be needed for commercial
Location —
As the Quattro air purifier treats 100% of the
air, it can be installed in either the supply or the return plenum
ductwork where it will have contact with the airstream. The
preferred location is in the return plenum, as the air will be
treated before the filter and HVAC coil. The painted steel pow-
er supply section of the Quattro air purifier is installed on the
outside of the duct.
Make sure site can be supplied with the necessary power
requirements. The Quattro air purifier has a power consump-
tion of 160 watts and requires a 110/220 v, 50-60 Hz power
source. Ensure that there is adequate clearance for service. If a
humidifier is present, the germicidal air purifier should be
installed in the airstream before the humidifier and the humidi-
fier must be protected from UL (ultraviolet) rays.
The operating temperature range is 40 to 150 F. Operating
the Quattro air purifier outside this range will result in de-
creased performance.
NOTE: The Quattro air purifier is NOT waterproof. If install-
ing outdoors, the Quattro air purifier must be installed in a
watertight enclosure.
1. Turn off all power to HVAC equipment.
2. Remove the Quattro air purifier from its packaging.
The lamps are factory installed in the unit. Be careful.
Lamps are fragile.
3. Ultraviolet light may damage certain plastics and
exposed non-UVC protected wires. If any plastic or
Before installing accessory or performing maintenance or
service on germicidal air purifier, turn off main power
switch to unit. Electrical shock can cause injury or death.
There may be more than one disconnect switch.
Never expose eyes or skin to ultraviolet light from any
source. Air purifier must be off before performing mainte-
nance or service. Personal injury may result.
Use only specified replacement lamps with this accessory.
Use of an incorrect lamp can result in damage to accessory
or lamp.
Do not touch lamp glass without gloves. Reduced perfor-
mance of lamp may result. Clean lamp after handling.
Lamp contains a small quantity of mercury. If a lamp
breaks, clean and dispose of with care.
IMPORTANT: The Quattro air purifier is energized
from a pressure differential caused by airflow
through the duct. On variable speed fan applica-
tions, airflow at LOW setting may not be sufficient
to energize the air purifier. Ensure that there is a suf-
ficient differential to activate the switch. The differ-
ential will decrease as the air filter loads. The
Quattro air purifier must be installed in a vertical
position for the air sensor to function properly. If
the Quattro air purifier is to be installed in a hori-
zontal position, or the differential is not sufficient,
the air sensor must be bypassed and the Quattro air
purifier is to be wired into the fan circuit.
QUATTRO Ultraviolet
Germicidal Air Purifiers
Residential/Light Commercial
Duct Installation Applications