6. Specifications
Item Specification
M o d e l n u m b e r
E t h e r n e t
Baud-rate: Auto negotiation or manual selection of data rate and
duplex can be selected.
10Mbps Full/10Mbps Half/100Mbps Full/100Mbps Half
Service environment
Conforms to VF-AS1/PS1
A m b i e n t t e m p e r a t u r e
Conforms to VF-AS1/PS1
Storage temperature
Conforms to VF-AS1/PS1
Relative humidity
Conforms to VF-AS1/PS1
Conforms to VF-AS1/PS1
Power supply
24VDC supplied from the inverter
7. Warranty
Any part of EtherNet/IP™ communication option that is proved to be defective will be repaired and
adjusted free of charge under the following conditions:
1. This warranty applies only to option unit.
2. Any part of the option which fails or is damaged under normal use within twelve months from
the date of delivery shall be repaired free of charge.
3. For the following kinds of failure or damage, the repair cost shall be borne by the customer
even within the warranty period.
i) Failure or damage caused by improper or incorrect use or handling, or unauthorized repair
or modification of the option.
ii) Failure or damage caused by falling or an accident during transportation after the
iii) Failure or damage caused by fire, salty water or wind, corrosive gas, earthquake, storm or
flood, lightning, abnormal voltage supply, or other natural disasters.
iv) Failure or damage caused by the use of the EtherNet/IP™ communication option for any
purpose or application other than the intended one.
4. All expenses incurred by Toshiba for on-site services shall be charged to the customer,
unless a service contract is signed beforehand between the customer and Toshiba, in which
case the service contract has priority over this warranty.
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