System & Station
Program *11 Called Party Number Routing Tables
Strata DK40 Programming Manual Spring 1999
Program *11 Overview
This program allows up to 12 Called Party Numbers (CPN) received on any Basic or Primary
rate circuits (RBSU/TBSU/RPTU PCB’s) to be translated and routed to specific destina-
tion(s). If Program *11 is used then Program *09 must not be used for the same CPN.
Incoming ringing for calls to the CPN’s (on the physical digital trunks) is assigned/set by
programming the logical trunk in the normal manner using Programs 78, 80 and 81~89.
The CPN number entered must fully match the number received from the Public Network.
The same CPN may not be used more than once.
The logical exchange line numbers should start from 12 downward. The logical exchange line
numbers must never match any physical line numbers allocated to PCOU, TCOU, PACU,
PEMU, RPTU, RBSU or TBSU circuits.
The only exception to this rule is when programming up a digital trunk to ring
the IMDU maintenance modem.
To program a CPN to ring the IMDU Maintenance Modem
Select the CPN routing table number to be used.
Allocate the three digit logical trunk number to be translated.
Enter the CPN that will be received from the Network provider (up to a maximum of
16 digits in length).
Use Program 78 to assign the logical exchange line number to ring the IMDU
maintenance modem.