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Summary of Contents for SD-K220S

Page 1: ...o_ _he manufac_u_r s _nstructions have beeo adored to 10 POWER SOURCE This u_i_ shelled be operated only Item _he type of power SOurce _ndic_ted on the rating p_te If you _re not sure of _he type of power suppty _o your home consult you_ apptianc_ _aler or _ca_ power company For U_ItS intended _o o_ate from battery power or othe_ sources refer to the operating i_structions This u_it is equipped wi...

Page 2: ...o_e TO gSE AC POWER SOURCE Use the AC peladzed _ne cord provided for operation On AC insert _be AC cord p_ug into a standard 120V _0Hz pe_ar_zed AC o_tle_ Notes Never connect _be AC _lne Ord plvg to other than the specified v_lt_ge _20V 60Hz use the at ach_ power Cord _ly If the po_adzed AC cot6 does no_ fit _n_o a non polarized AC o_tle_ do ne_ attempt _o fi_e or cut the blade I__S the i_ser s re...

Page 3: ... not equEpp_ with me pBC func_en you c_n enioy p_a_ac_ of interactive sol b qare w_t_ search fun_on by us_ag t_ menu displayed on the TV screen MeI_U P_ayb_kl S_me of the _unc_ens des_Ebed in thEsowner s man_aE may not work with some disCS Th s unit cat_ _ay ba_k FUJECOLOR C_ and Kodak pict_e CD formals yo u canno_ I_lay dESCSot_r man mos_ I_st_x_ above yo u cannot play dESCSof DVI_ RAM DVI_RW Pho...

Page 4: ... no_ try _o_ecbarge batteries not in_end_d _oDa _ed_a_ed_ _h_y can owrheat and _u_tu_e FoEIow bathed ma_factu_r s diree_ons Press POWER d _ 1oruin _ DVD VCR or_of off Select you_ des_ed o_efating mode DVD or VCR using VCR DVD DVD o_ VCR _t_ on _h_ _ron__ne_ wiEE show yov wh_d_ mode _S s_leC_d Pres s _H e_ CH _omove _rO_gh _e charm s one ehanneE at a _ TheCH jl_ anflSET l AIV a_ea_souS_d_opavigat_o...

Page 5: ... s_x common me_hoc_ of con_cUo_ OVD VCR 4 _ S_Ht_e_ Allows Recording of o_e channe_ v_ e watd_mg anoL_r US_ the pro_ amma_e timer _orecord o_y B_ Channel se ecte_ at B_ c _v_er box Recor_m_ of _ d_anr_ s _ro_h _ _er box l _ve _ts War bin 9 s_XambEed _armeEs wh_e _ec_rd_ 9 anoth_ channel Us_ th_ DVDNCR _uner to selec_ channels A_lows R_or_ ng of _onsc_ambEed_harmeEs Recording of one c_anr_ while wa...

Page 6: ...o_n_Ions T_ 0u_put SO_ of _ OVONCR ha_ a _ _de dynamic ra_e _ S_ _ adjust _ _v_ S v_ume to a modera_ IS_Lng _evel Ol_e_is_ _e _peake_s may be dl_iged by a sudde_ high vol_me _ou_ Turn ol l_e amp_il_ l_bre yo_ oon_ or d_sco_ I_ DVDNCR _ _er COrd _f yo_ _eav_ th _ a_pl_le_ power o_ the _eakers may be _maged i F_h and Spanish for t_ on_or_n dis_ay_ Press and ho_ 3 o_ 4 o_ the remot_ fo_ 3 seconds in ...

Page 7: ...c_ _an Time p_essVCRMENU P_ess SET ot tos_Iee SYSTEM SETUp the_pressENT_r Press VCRMENU twice _o re_urn _othe normalsc_e_ VCrM_NU O VCrM_NU O P_ess S_T or to setect o_e of lhe 3 _tio_s the_ pross ENTER ProSS VCR M_NU unti_ the MENU seree_ is _eare_l ON _o_ manuar se_ting _xwar d o_e r_u_ VCr M_Nt_ OFF _o_ manua_ se_ting S_ uo back one ho_r _ Atrro _o_ auv_a_tLc _ettL_g W_e_ you _nt _o_t the I_AYUG...

Page 8: ...D p_ayback alternate w_ each o_e_ on _h_ so t_e_ v_a C_3 4 _ v_d_ onr_CtLDn W_e_ you _e_e_t _e VCR r lodt_ d_ri_g DV 3 p_aybaCk 3V 3 p_ayback W_ _t _ 3 automa_ca_ly aftt_ appro 5 r_i_u es 30 Stop the p_aybaCk or _eeordrag wa STOP o_ ramete To r_w na the tape Pras_ R_W To forward the tape Press _D To 6_ oati_ue tr_ _ape w_d_g press STOP TO sw_tch to _ayback diCectly w_fl _outSTOp press PLAY Forwa_l...

Page 9: ...e VCR _n_mater wiE_ig_t t_ _adacasse_etaFewlththeetasep_ _tlo _ _b I_t_ct T_ DVDNCR w_H aut_r_l_y tu_ on iii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii _ 2Pte_ SP SLP to select the deslre _ tape sp_ _ The _pe eeu_e_ _nd Sp _ c_ SLP w_l _ppear on _e meree_ for about 4 _eeend_ S_ LP O Select _ or CAT_ to the app_ _p_ate TV _th_ dl_t channel select_n _y reelected by _ng wo 2 yo_ p_e_ _n_y 2 chaaael...

Page 10: ...dby r _cde the VCR r _odecanr_t be VCR OVD _ec_or to Chenge _oVCR mo_e After yo_ use the VCR press I _M_R R_C a_mn to put he VCR line _r_ reC_d r_ _tar_dby r_cde _fyou _e_ TIMER R_C during ti_ _ o_n 9 bherecord _ _t h_r_ the programmed _lfre _he record ng opera on w_l_ _tar aga_s A_te_a pe_e_ faau_e _ d_s or_e _on _f the po_ e_ plug aa _o_ re_ursptio_ o__owe_ I_ tNs ca_e r ester_e ck_c_ 2_ a_ re_o...

Page 11: ..._c_l_y _nd _e O pl_yba_ p cbJ_e o_s_nd wi_lbe dup _ca_ede_ th_ v_d_ c_e_te Press STOP if you finish recording If you Wi_hto _top _ OVD CD d_ Note_ _ m_y _ t_eaisle_ _ecord _he beginning of th_ _ _eg_n VCR _e ording o_ce I_ogr_r_ pF_yb_Ckcomm_ce_ o_ _h_ _V_ functi0_ T_e following i_n _nd tex_wi_ _how up on _e TV _c_ee_ 4 I To pause p_ayback stiff mode Playing a Disc whffe tile VCR sectlo_l is P_e_ ...

Page 12: ...Jtz_G file is au_oma_ca_ly adiuS_ed to O_e TV screen When the _ SKIP I N I_ a_pect raho o_ LheJPEG _J_ s d ff_rert _ your TV screen tho blac_ bar w_l_ appea_ at t _ top and bottom or the b_th _ide_ of the TV Screen pre_ O_N_CLOSE O_ E_CLOSE T_ dls _rayW_I_ _pen Pre_ O_N CLOS_ or _ LAY 0_E_CLOSE Tk_ d_SC t_ay_O_eS au_om_rly _ O_ L_eTV SC_een _e_ wH_ appea_ _umber of f le 3 A f_le menu _e_n w_ll app...

Page 13: ...SpLAy Press Numbered b_tons 0 _ to cha_ge the P_Ss JUMp _dng p_aybaok or stop mode_ 3 JUmP _ _ ff you _put _ wroag _umbe_j_ ess CANCEL _ _ Refer to _ package suppEied wilh 2 Chapter PressA rV he Time_ T_t_ o_ 4 P_ess_NT_R Playb_ckslarts Note _ case of me V_d_ CD _a_ack w_thpBC _ JUMP does _o_wa k 50 T_S _n t w_ a_ow y_ to z_m _ oa the JPEG image pres s ZOOM _uring p_aybaCk CM SKIP EnEa_gedJPEG_ma_...

Page 14: ...leCt the subUt_e _an_age a_ sou_ trac_ langu_ e_c using the r_e_u press MENU d_rlng iNay_ck _u The PeP rae_u _p_aa_s on t_ screee _ Pres s MENU a_Ja n _o _es lme p_ayb_ a_ the scene _ you pressed MENU 54 P_ss _r to select play Mo_ the_ press o_ ENTER to select p r_ l ram P_SS Ale or I _ te select the prlNramm_ng 3 I_sition Use Num_e_ bu_s _0_9 to _nput theTrack numbers Press _ V or 41 _ to select ...

Page 15: ... mode cr No Disc Press or to se_ picture S_Jp 2 Press v or ENTER the_ p_ess _ or _Fto select Tv Scree_ You h_ve _ f_ow n_ screen _zee to choose from 4 3 _ Letter box Select th_s mo_e when _oenec_ing to a _vent_n_r TV when p_y_n_ back a wide s_reen DV 2 disc i_ _ sp_ays the w_e p_ _urew_ black ban_s at the _op_n_ _o_tom of s_reen 4 3 D Pan scan It displays _he w_e p_Gtureon Lhewhole sGr_n w_t_ left...

Page 16: ...RM_ S_UP CD Pres s numbe_ buttons O 9 to enter the _asswor_yeuhavesto_ d_d_ d_ ptess _h_ER The _a_ _s now un_oCked Press or to select pa_swo_ d t_en press 5 number b_ttons 0_9 t_ enter the p_sswol _ press E_I E R Press S_TUP or RETURN to temove the a_nta_ control screen VCRM_ R_I_URt_ Ptess or to select parental t_en press or to change _he parental leVe_ Note Do _ fc_gt_ L_e_wor_ If you f0_ge_ _he...

Page 17: ... t_e 1att_uage co_e se_ the Cat_ua_e c _ de_s_ot_page 67 Or_gtna_ The t_n_tw_l se_ecHhe f st pdor_ty _angt_age of each _sc 66 To t_ake SETUP screen d sappear p_ess SETUP or RETURN wh_e the SETUP screen _s be_ _ispl_yed VC_ M_U S_Jp Note _ the s_ec_ed _ngua_e i_ no__C_rded on th_ d_sc _e or_g_ AJbanian Amhadc Arabic Armenian Assamese Aymara 1135 Azerbaijani 1136 Bashkir 1211 Basque 1531 Bengali Ban...

Page 18: ...CP TH_FCL o_tD _r_e _ p_0d_c_ or pa_ _e_e_f which _ Sh0u_d yo_ e_eCL_ _e_u_nyour DV_ Un_ _oTACP a_ th_ nlne_y 90 day_ and w_ one _ year or after th_ wa_a_y _e_iod _a_ e p_ed Cal_ 800 631 3B_ Payment m_st be _o_ed w_ p_od_ _in _e f_m of a 81 _hysica_y d_mage_ _VD Un_ls are _oLac_pta_e for _epa_ro_e cha_ge whe_he_ _ or o_t of warranty and W_I be _eta_ne_ a__e_ved 70 General Power s_ppl power cons_m_...
