Page 14
Understanding OIS Features
This chapter explains in detail all the features of OIS60 unit. We recommend that you study this chapter
before attempting to configure and use the OIS60.
Operator can view required information on the display of OIS60 unit. This information can be arranged in
such a way that the operator can very easily interpret the information received. This can be done by using
various tools. These tools are the objects. Each screen can have various types of objects with different
properties. Each screen can have five properties, which are applicable for the complete screen.
Properties of Screens:
4.1.1. Password:
Access levels can be achieved by introducing a password for a screen. Password value can vary between
0 - 9999. Unless user enters the correct password, the screen will not be displayed. Any screen can be
password protected.
4.1.2. Associated Screens:
Associated screen can be especially useful in cases where one or more objects are common between
different screens. The common part is extracted from all the screens, placed in a new screen and this
new screen is associated with the other screens. Any screen can be associated to another screen.
Advantages of associated screens:
1. Saves application memory by extracting common part between different screens and
forming a new associated screen.
2. Saves time of the application programmer.
Please note:
- Only one screen can be associated to any screen.
- No data entry object can be placed in the screen to be associated.
- No PLC tag embedding in the screen to be associated. To embed a PLC tag, In Global
Task-List the required PLC tag should be copied to an internal tag. The internal tag
should be embedded in the screen to be associated.
4.1.3. Screen Task-List
Tasks are operations performed by unit when a certain condition is reached. Different tasks can be
defined for different screens. Screen Tasks can be assigned for three different conditions:
- Before showing: These tasks are performed before displaying a particular screen on the display.
- While showing: Tasks are repeatedly performed while the screen is displayed.
- After Hiding: Tasks are performed after another screen is called and before displaying a new
Example: Suppose Screen 1 is currently on the display simultaneously performing ‘while showing’ task.
Now PLC Tag calls for Screen 2. Both the screens have all three types of tasks: Before showing task,
While showing task, After hiding task. Tasks will be performed in following sequence:
After hiding task for screen 1 performed while clearing screen no. 1.
Before showing task for screen 2 performed.
Screen 2 displayed.
While showing task list performed repeatedly.
When another screen is called ‘after hiding task’ is performed while clearing screen 2.
Types of Screen-Tasks:
Goto Screen
Goto Next Screen
Goto Previous Screen
Write Value to a Tag
Add a Constant Value to Tag
Subtract a Constant Value from Tag
Add Tag B to Tag A