Toshiba MMU-AP0094HP-E Installation Manual Download Page 31

– 30 –

Klima üzerindeki uyar göstergeleri

Uyar etiketi




Servis/bakm yapmadan önce uzaktaki tüm elektrik güç kaynaklarn 



Hareketli parçalar. 
Izgara çkarlm durumda üniteyi çaltrmayn. 
Servis/bakm yapmadan önce üniteyi durdurun.


Çok scak parçalar. 
Bu paneli sökerken yanabilirsiniz.


Ünitenin alüminyum kanatçklarna dokunmayn. 
Aksi takdirde yaralanmaya neden olabilir.



Çaltrmadan önce servis valflerini açn, aksi takdirde patlama olabilir.



Disconnect all remote 
electric power supplies 
before servicing.


Moving parts.
Do not operate unit with grille 
Stop the unit before the servicing.


High temperature parts.
You might get burned 
when removing this panel.


Do not touch the aluminum 
fins of the unit.
Doing so may result in injury.



Open the service valves before 
the operation, otherwise there 
might be the burst.


Güvenlik Önlemleri

Üretici, bu klavuzdaki açklamalarn incelenmemesinden kaynaklanan zararlardan sorumlu tutulamaz.



• Klimay monte etmeye balamadan önce Montaj Klavuzu'nu batan sona dikkatlice okuyun ve klimay monte etmek için 

verilen talimatlar takip edin.

• Montaj çalmasn, yalnzca yetkili bir montaj veya servis uzman gerçekletirebilir. Yanl kurulum; su szntlar, elektrik 

çarpmas veya yangnla sonuçlanabilir.

• Tamamlayc veya yedek olarak belirtilenden farkl bir soutucu kullanmayn. Aksi takdirde, soutma döngüsünde anormal 

yüksek basnç üretilebilir ve bu da ürünün arzalanmasyla veya patlamasyla ya da insanlarn yaralanmasyla 

• ç ünitenin emi zgarasn veya d ünitenin servis panelini açmadan önce devre kesiciyi KAPALI konuma aln. Devre 

kesicinin KAPALI konuma alnmamas, iç parçalarla temas sonucu elektrik çarpmasna neden olabilir. ç ünitenin emi 
zgaras veya d ünitenin servis paneli yalnzca kalifiye montaj eleman(*1) veya kalifiye servisi eleman(*1) tarafndan 
sökülebilir ve gerekli ileri yaplabilir.

• Montaj, bakm, onarm veya sökme ilerini yapmadan önce devre kesiciyi mutlaka KAPALI konuma aln. Aksi takdirde 

elektrik çarpmasna neden olabilir.

• Montaj, bakm, onarm veya sökme ii yaplrken devre kesicinin yanna “Çalma yaplyor” iareti yerletirin. Devre kesicinin 

yanllkla AÇIK konuma alnmas elektrik çarpma tehlikesine yol açar.

• 50 cm veya daha yüksek bir stand kullanarak yüksek yerlerde i yapmaya veya i yapmak üzere iç ünitenin emi zgarasn 

sökmeye yalnzca kalifiye montaj eleman(*1) veya kalifiye servisi eleman(*1) yetkilidir.

• Montaj, servis/bakm ve sökme srasnda koruyucu i eldiveni ve emniyet maksatl i elbisesi giyin.
• Ünitenin alüminyum kanatçna dokunmayn. Dokunursanz yaralanabilirsiniz. Herhangi bir nedenle kanatçklara 

dokunmak gerekirse önce koruyucu i eldiveni ile emniyet maksatl i elbisesi giyin ve daha sonra devam edin.

• D ünitenin üzerine trmanmayn ya da üzerine eya koymayn. Düme sonucu yaralanabilirsiniz ya da d ünitenin 

üzerindeki eyalar düerek yaralanmaya neden olabilir.

• Yüksek yerlerde çalrken ISO 14122 standardna uygun bir merdiven kullann ve merdiven kullanma klavuzundaki 

prosedürü takip edin. Ayrca i yapmak için koruyucu kyafet olarak endüstri tipi baret takn.

• D ünitenin filtresini veya dier parçalarn temizlemeden önce devre kesiciyi mutlaka KAPALI konuma aln ve ie 

balamadan önce devre kesicinin yanna “Çalma yaplyor” iareti yerletirin.

• Yüksek yerlerde çalmadan önce, ie balamadan önce çallan yere kimsenin yaklamamas için bir iaret yerletirin. 

Parçalar ve dier nesneler yukardan düerek muhtemelen aadaki birinin yaralanmasna neden olabilir. Çalrken, düen 
nesnelerden korunmak için kask takn.

• Bu klima tarafndan R410A soutucu kullanlmaktadr.
• Klima, sarslmadan tanmaldr. Ürünün herhangi bir parças krksa satcnza bavurun.
• Klimann elle tanmas gerektiinde, iki veya daha fazla kii tarafndan tanmaldr.
• Herhangi bir bölümü kendi banza tamaya veya tamir etmeye çalmayn. Ünite içinde yüksek gerilim mevcuttur. Kapa 

ve ana üniteyi sökerken elektrik çarpmasna maruz kalabilirsiniz.

Montaj yerinin seçilmesi

• Klima küçük bir odaya kurulduysa, odadaki soutucu sznts konsantrasyonunun kritik düzeyi amamasn salamak için 

gerekli önlemleri aln.

• Patlayc gaz kaça olabilecek yerlere monte etmeyin. Gaz kaça olursa veya ünitenin çevresinde gaz birikirse bu srada 

ateleyebilir ve yangn çkmasna neden olabilir.

• Klimay tarken parmak ucu güçlendirilmi ayakkab giyin.
• Klimay tarken ambalaj kutusunun etrafndaki eritleri çkarmayn. eritler krlrsa yaralanmanza neden olabilir.
• Klima çalrken kullanclar parmaklarn veya baka nesneleri iç üniteye sokmalar halinde yaralanabileceklerinden veya 

elektrik çarpmasna maruz kalabileceklerinden dolay iç üniteyi zemin seviyesinden en az 2,5 m yukar monte edin.

• Klimann rüzgarna dorudan maruz kalnan yerlere s üreten aygtlar yerletirmeyin aksi takdirde hatal yanmaya neden 



• ç ünite askya alnacaksa belirtilen ask cvatalar (M10 veya W3/8) ve somunlar (M10 veya W3/8) kullanlmaldr.
• Klimay, tabann arl yeterince kaldrabilecei bir yere salam bir ekilde kurun. Mukavemet yeterli deilse ünite düerek 

yaralanmaya neden olabilir.

• Klimay monte etmek için Montaj Klavuzundaki talimatlar takip edin. Bu talimatlarn takip edilmemesi ürünün dümesine 

ya da devrilmesine veya gürültü, titreim, su sznts veya baka bir hasara neden olabilir.


60-TR  Page 30  Wednesday, October 17, 2012  8:23 PM

Summary of Contents for MMU-AP0094HP-E

Page 1: ...U AP0124HP E MMU AP0154HP E MMU AP0184HP E MMU AP0244HP E MMU AP0274HP E MMU AP0304HP E MMU AP0364HP E MMU AP0484HP E MMU AP0564HP E AIR CONDITIONER MULTI TYPE Installation Manual English For commercial use 00Ta00COV fm Page 1 Wednesday November 28 2012 1 47 PM ...

Page 2: ... oder weniger gemäss EN ISO 7779 Contents 1 Precautions for safety 3 1 Précautions de sécurité 6 1 Vorsichtsmaßnahmen für die Sicherheit 9 1 Precauzioni per la sicurezza 12 1 Precauciones de seguridad 15 1 Precauções de segurança 18 1 Voorzorgen voor de veiligheid 21 1 Προφυλάξεις για ασφάλεια 24 1 Меры предосторожности 27 1 Güvenlik Önlemleri 30 2 Accessory parts 32 3 Selection of installation pl...

Page 3: ...s thus thoroughly acquainted with the knowledge related to this work Qualified service person The qualified service person is a person who installs repairs maintains relocates and removes the air conditioners made by Toshiba Carrier Corporation He or she has been trained to install repair maintain relocate and remove the air conditioners made by Toshiba Carrier Corporation or alternatively he or s...

Page 4: ...ified service person is allowed to undertake work at heights using a stand of 50 cm or more or to remove the intake grille of the indoor unit to undertake work Wear protective gloves and safety work clothing during installation servicing and removal Do not touch the aluminium fin of the unit You may injure yourself if you do so If the fin must be touched for some reason first put on protective glo...

Page 5: run Before operating the air conditioner after having completed the work check that the electrical control box cover of the indoor unit and service panel of the outdoor unit are closed and set the circuit breaker to the ON position You may receive an electric shock if the power is turned on without first conducting these checks If there is any kind of trouble such as an error display has appear...

Page 6: ...requises pour ce travail Technicien d entretien qualifié La personne d entretien qualifiée est une personne qui installe répare entretient déplace et enlève les climatiseurs fabriqués par Toshiba Carrier Corporation Il ou elle a été formé pour installer réparer entretenir déplacer et enlever les climatiseurs fabriqués par Toshiba Carrier Corporation ou alternativement il ou elle a reçu des consign...

Page 7: ...avail en hauteur à l aide d un pied de 50 cm minimum pour déposer la grille d entrée d air de l unité intérieure pour entreprendre le travail Portez des gants de protection ainsi que des vêtements de travail de sécurité pendant l installation l entretien et la dépose Ne touchez pas la palme en aluminium de l unité Vous risquez de vous blesser dans le cas contraire Si vous devez toucher la palme po...

Page 8: ... travail assurez vous que le couvercle du boîtier des pièces électriques de l unité intérieure et du panneau de service de l unité extérieure sont fermés ensuite réglez le coupe circuit sur la position ON Vous pouvez recevoir un choc électrique si l alimentation est activée sans avoir d abord effectuer ces vérifications En cas de problème au niveau du climatiseur comme par exemple en cas d erreur ...

Page 9: ... Person oder geschulten Personen unterwiesen und verfügt aufgrund dessen über gründliche Kenntnisse die ihn zur Ausführung dieser Arbeiten befähigen Qualifizierter Servicetechniker Der Kundendienstfachmann ist eine Person die Klimageräte der Toshiba Carrier Corporation einbaut repariert wartet umzieht und ausbaut Die Person ist im Einbau in der Reparatur und in der Wartung sowie im Umzug und Ausba...

Page 10: ...i Installation Wartung und Entsorgung Schutzhandschuhe und Arbeitsschutzbekleidung Die Aluminiumlamelle des Geräts nicht berühren Anderenfalls können Sie sich verletzen Wenn die Rippen aus einem bestimmten Grund berührt werden muss ziehen Sie zuerst Schutzhandschuhe und Arbeitsschutzbekleidung an bevor Sie diese Arbeiten ausführen Klettern Sie nicht auf das Außengerät und stellen Sie keine Gegenst...

Page 11: ...ter auf die Position ON ein Sie können einen elektrischen Schlag erleiden falls der Strom eingeschaltet wird ohne dass Sie vorher diese Prüfungen durchgeführt haben Falls Probleme mit der Klimaanlage auftreten z B ein Fehler wird angezeigt es riecht verbrannt ungewöhnliche Geräusche sind zu hören die Klimaanlage kühlt bzw heizt nicht oder Wasser läuft aus suchen Sie nicht selbst nach der Ursache s...

Page 12: ...a formazione ed è pertanto idoneo a svolgere tali operazioni Tecnico dell assistenza qualificato Il personale di assistenza qualificato è una persona che installa ripara effettua la manutenzione sposta e rimuove i condizionatori d aria costruiti da Toshiba Carrier Corporation Ha ricevuto la formazione necessaria per installare riparare manutenere spostare e rimuovere i condizionatori d aria costru...

Page 13: ...o 1 sono autorizzati a svolgere lavori in altezza utilizzando un supporto di altezza pari o superiore a 50 cm per rimuovere la griglia della presa d aria dell unità interna al fine dello svolgimento dei lavori Durante l installazione la manutenzione e la rimozione indossare guanti di protezione e indumenti da lavoro di sicurezza Non toccare l aletta in alluminio dell unità In caso contrario si pot...

Page 14: ...oro verificare che il coperchio della cassetta dei componenti elettrici dell unità interna e il pannello di servizio dell unità esterna siano chiusi e impostare l interruttore automatico sulla posizione ON acceso Qualora si accenda l unità senza aver prima eseguito questi controlli si potrebbe subire una scossa elettrica Se si nota il verificarsi di un problema di qualche tipo con il condizionator...

Page 15: ...jos Persona de servicio cualificada La persona de mantenimiento cualificado es una persona que se dedica a la instalación reparación mantenimiento traslado y retirada de los aparatos de aire acondicionado fabricados por Toshiba Carrier Corporation Dicha persona habrá recibido formación relativa a la instalación reparación mantenimiento traslado y retirada de aparatos de aire acondicionado fabricad...

Page 16: ...illa de admisión de la unidad interior para realizar otros trabajos Póngase guantes de protección y ropa de trabajo segura durante la instalación reparación y desecho No toque la aleta de aluminio de la unidad Si lo hace puede lesionarse usted mismo Si la aleta tiene que tocarse por alguna razón póngase primero guantes de protección y ropa de trabajo segura y luego empiece a trabajar No se suba en...

Page 17: de aire acondicionado después de completar el trabajo de instalación verifique que la cubierta de la caja de componentes eléctricos de la unidad interior y del panel de servicio de la unidad exterior esté cerrada y ponga el disyuntor en la posición ON Si conecta la alimentación sin realizar primero estas verificaciones puede recibir una descarga eléctrica Si surge cualquier problema por ejemplo...

Page 18: ...ação devida e portanto que adquiriram todo o conhecimento relacionado com este trabalho Técnico de assistência qualificado O técnico de assistência qualificado é uma pessoa que instala repara dá manutenção a muda de lugar e remove os ares condicionados fabricados pela Toshiba Carrier Corporation Esta pessoa deve ter formação para instalar reparar dar manutenção a mudar de lugar e remover ares cond...

Page 19: ...ctuar o trabalho Use luvas de protecção e vestuário de trabalho de segurança durante a instalação a assistência e a eliminação Não toque na barbatana de alumínio da unidade Pode ferir se se o fizer Se for necessário tocar na palheta por algum motivo coloque primeiro as luvas de protecção e o vestuário de trabalho de segurança e em seguida prossiga Não suba para nem coloque objectos sobre a unidade...

Page 20: ... disjuntor eléctrico na posição ON Pode sofrer um choque eléctrico se ligar a corrente eléctrica sem efectuar primeiro estas verificações Quando detectar algum tipo de problema como por exemplo quando aparecer uma indicação de erro cheiro a queimado sons anormais o ar condicionado não arrefecer ou aquecer ou existir uma fuga de água no aparelho de ar condicionado não toque no ar condicionado mas c...

Page 21: ...oed op de hoogte van de kennis voor dit soort werk Bevoegd onderhouds monteur De bevoegde onderhoudspersoon is een persoon die door Toshiba Carrier Corporation gemaakte airconditioners installeert repareert onderhoudt verplaatst en verwijderd Hij of zij is opgeleid om door Toshiba Carrier Corporation gemaakte airconditioners te installeren repareren onderhouden verplaatsen en te verwijderen Deze p...

Page 22: ...apje van 50 cm of meer of het inlaatrooster van de binneneenheid verwijderen om daarbinnen werk te verrichten Draag tijdens het installeren onderhoud en afdanken van het apparaat altijd werkhandschoenen en veiligheidskleding De aluminium vin van de unit niet aanraken Anders zou u zich er aan kunnen verwonden Als het nodig is de koelvin aan te raken trekt u eerst werkhandschoenen en beschermende kl...

Page 23: ...iteitskast van de binneneenheid en het onderhoudspaneel van de buiteneenheid zijn gesloten om vervolgens de stroomonderbreker in de ON stand te zetten Als u de stroom inschakelt zonder eerst deze punten te controleren kunt u een elektrische schok krijgen Indien er iets mis is met de airconditioner wanneer u een foutmelding ziet of een brandlucht ruikt vreemde geluiden hoort of wanneer de aircondit...

Page 24: ...και επομένως είναι πλήρως εξοικειωμένος με τις γνώσεις που σχετίζονται με αυτές τις εργασίες Εξειδικευμένος τεχνικός σέρβις Ο εξειδικευμένος τεχνικός επισκευών είναι ένα άτομο που πραγματοποιεί εργασίες εγκατάστασης επισκευής συντήρησης αλλαγής θέσης και αφαίρεσης των κλιματιστικών που κατασκευάζει η Toshiba Carrier Corporation Το άτομο αυτό έχει εκπαιδευτεί στην εγκατάσταση επισκευή συντήρηση αλλ...

Page 25: ...ι να αναλαμβάνει την εκτέλεση εργασιών σε υψηλά σημεία χρησιμοποιώντας βάση ύψους 50 cm ή υψηλότερη ή να αφαιρεί τη γρίλια εισαγωγής της εσωτερικής μονάδας για την εκτέλεση εργασιών Να φοράτε γάντια προστασίας και ρουχισμό για την ασφάλεια κατά την εργασία όταν εκτελείτε εργασίες εγκατάστασης σέρβις και απόρριψης Μην αγγίζετε τα αλουμινένια πτερύγια της μονάδας Ενδέχεται να τραυματιστείτε εάν το π...

Page 26: ...εκτελούνται σύμφωνα με τους νόμους και κανονισμούς της κοινότητας και το εγχειρίδιο εγκατάστασης ιαφορετικά μπορεί να προκληθεί ηλεκτροπληξία ή βραχυκύκλωμα οκιμαστική λειτουργία Μόλις ολοκληρωθούν οι εργασίες και πριν θέσετε το κλιματιστικό σε λειτουργία βεβαιωθείτε ότι το κάλυμμα του κιβωτίου ηλεκτρικών εξαρτημάτων της εσωτερικής μονάδας και ο πίνακας σέρβις της εξωτερικής μονάδας είναι κλειστά ...

Page 27: ...у детально знаком со всем что относится к такой работе Квалифицированны й специалист по обслуживанию Квалифицированный специалист по обслуживанию это лицо которое устанавливает ремонтирует обслуживает перемещает и демонтирует кондиционеры производства компании Toshiba Carrier Corporation Он или она прошел обучение по вопросам установки ремонта технического обслуживания переустановки и демонтажа ко...

Page 28: ...производить работы на высоте с использованием подставки высотой 50 см или выше для того чтобы снять решетку воздухозаборника внутреннего блока для выполнения работ При ремонте обслуживании и перемещении следует пользоваться защитными рукавицами и спецодеждой Неприкасайтеськалюминиевомуоребрениюнаустройстве В противномслучаеможнополучитьтравму Если нужно зачем либо коснуться оребрения сначала наден...

Page 29: ...ние Пробный пуск Перед тем как запускать кондиционер после окончания работ на нем проверьте что крышка электрического отделения внутреннего блока и служебная панель наружного блока закрыты и переставьте сетевой выключатель в положение ON ВКЛ Если этого не проверить можно получить удар электрическим током При обнаружении каких либо неполадок в работе кондиционера например появилось сообщение об оши...

Page 30: olan bir ahs ya da ahslarn talimatlar dorultusunda bu ilemleri gerçekletirmektedir Kalifiye servis eleman Yetkili servis personeli Toshiba Carrier Corporation tarafndan üretilen klimalarn montaj onarm bakm yer deitirme ve söküm ilemlerini gerçekletiren ahstr Bu ahs Toshiba Carrier Corporation tarafndan üretilen klimalarn montaj onarm bakm yer deitirme ve söküm ilemlerini gerçekletirecek ekilde ...

Page 31: ...veni ve emniyet maksatl i elbisesi giyin Ünitenin alüminyum kanatçna dokunmayn Dokunursanz yaralanabilirsiniz Herhangi bir nedenle kanatçklara dokunmak gerekirse önce koruyucu i eldiveni ile emniyet maksatl i elbisesi giyin ve daha sonra devam edin D ünitenin üzerine trmanmayn ya da üzerine eya koymayn Düme sonucu yaralanabilirsiniz ya da d ünitenin üzerindeki eyalar düerek yaralanmaya neden olabi...

Page 32: ...u kontroller yaplmadan elektrik verilirse elektrik çarpmasna maruz kalabilirsiniz Herhangi bir hasar örn hata mesaj görüntülenirse yank kokusu varsa normal olmayan sesler geliyorsa klima soutma veya stma yapmyorsa ya da su sznts varsa varsa klimaya dokunmayn ve devre kesiciyi KAPALI konuma aln kalifiye servis eleman çarn Kalifiye servis eleman gelene dek elektrik verilmemesi için gerekli önlemleri...

Page 33: ...ed for safety maintenance and check Place where drained water will not cause any problem Avoid installing in the following places Place exposed to air with high salt content seaside area or place exposed to large quantities of sulfide gas hot spring Should the unit be used in these places special protective measures are needed A restaurant kitchen where a lot of oil is used or place near machines ...

Page 34: ...orating flesh air intake box sold separately Provide an inspection opening at the outside air intake box side Check port Check port REQUIREMENT When using the air conditioner with 2 way 3 way discharge system a strong wind blows directly if the ceiling height is lower than the standard Therefore change the setting switch according to height of the ceiling When using the high ceiling 1 or 3 with 4 ...

Page 35: ...g and hanging bolt pitches are given in the outline drawing and the attached installation pattern When a ceiling already exists lay the drain pipe refrigerant pipe indoor unit outdoor unit connection wires and remote controller wires to their connection locations before hanging the indoor unit Procure hanging bolts and nuts for installing the indoor unit these are not supplied Using the installati...

Page 36: ... attached with it after piping wiring work has completed Check that installation of indoor unit and ceiling opening part is correct and then install it REQUIREMENT Joint the connecting sections of ceiling panel ceiling surface ceiling panel and indoor unit closely Any gap between them will cause air leakage and the generate condensation or water leakage Remove the adjust corner caps at the four co...

Page 37: ...d socket Socket for VP25 Locally procured Indoor unit Drain pipe connecting port Transparent Flexible hose Accessory Socket for VP25 vinyl chloride pipe Locally procured VP25 vinyl chloride pipe Locally procured Indoor unit 5 mm or less 10 mm hose band tightening margin Heat insulator 10 to 12 mm Connecting drain pipe Connect a hard socket locally procured to the hard socket of the attached suppli...

Page 38: ...ding on the outdoor unit For details refer to the Installation Manual attached to the outdoor unit Pipe size Connecting refrigerant piping Flaring 1 Cut the pipe with a pipe cutter Remove burrs completely Remaining burrs may cause gas leakage 2 Insert a flare nut into the pipe and flare the pipe Use the flare nut provided with the unit or the one used for the R410A refrigerant The flaring dimensio...

Page 39: ... connect the terminals Securely fix them to prevent external forces applied to the terminals from affecting the terminals Incomplete connection or fixation may cause a fire or other trouble Connect earth wire grounding work Incomplete grounding cause an electric shock Do not connect earth wires to gas pipes water pipes lightning conductor or telephone earth wires Appliance shall be installed in ac...

Page 40: ...t Indoor unit Remote controller Max 8 units Remote controller wiring Wire connection REQUIREMENT Be sure to connect the wires matching the terminal numbers Incorrect connection causes a trouble Be sure to pass the wires through the bushing of wiring connection port of the indoor unit Keep a margin Approx 100 mm on a wire to hang down the electrical control box at servicing etc The low voltage circ...

Page 41: ...ring between outdoor units Control wiring between indoor and outdoor units Control wiring between indoor units Indoor unit Indoor unit Indoor unit Indoor unit Earth Earth Earth Earth Remote controller Remote controller Remote controller Indoor power supply Circuit breaker power switch Pull box Pull box Pull box Wiring for flow selector unit sold separately Connect control wiring and power supply f...

Page 42: ...or unit number displayed following ALL is the header unit 1 6 1 3 2 5 4 Display content varies with the indoor unit model 2 Each time button is pushed indoor unit numbers in the control group change cyclically Select the indoor unit to change settings for The fan of the selected unit runs and the louvers start swinging The indoor unit for change settings can be confirmed 3 Specify CODE No with TEM...

Page 43: ...lected ceiling contamination is less reduced SET DATA Filter sign lighting time 0000 None 0001 150 H 0002 2500 H Factory default 0003 5000 H 0004 10000 H SET DATA Detection temp shift value 0000 No shift 0001 1 C 0002 2 C Factory default 0003 3 C 0004 4 C 0005 5 C 0006 6 C Wind direction SET DATA Wind direction setting 0000 Smudge reducing position Air direction to reduce ceiling contamination Fac...

Page 44: ...replace the remote controller UNIT No 1 1 UNIT No 1 2 UNIT No 1 3 UNIT No 1 4 1 0001 2 0002 3 0003 5 0005 4 0004 SET DATA 0001 0005 Louver lock position code SET DATA 0000 0001 Remote controller sensor Not used factory default Used 0000 Setting data 9 Test run Before test run Before turning on the power supply carry out the following procedure 1 Using 500 V megger check that resistance of 1 MΩ or ...

Page 45: ...le inward and open the air intake grille slowly while holding it Cleaning of air filters If the air filters are not cleaned it not only reduce the cooling a performance of air conditioner but causes a failure in the air conditioner such as water falling in drops Preparation 1 Stop the operation by remote controller 2 Dismount the air filter Use a vacuum cleaner to remove dust from the filters or w...

Page 46: ...s expense Failure to clean the indoor and outdoor units regularly will result in poor performance freezing water leakage and even compressor failure Inspection before maintenance Following inspection must be carried out by a qualified installer or qualified service person Maintenance List Parts Inspection method Heat exchanger Access from inspection opening and remove the access panel Examine the ...

Page 47: ... status and stop status 1 When pushing and buttons for 4 seconds or more following display appears If Service check is displayed the mode enters in the error log mode 01 Order of error log is displayed in CODE No window Check code is displayed in CHECK window Indoor unit address in which an error occurred is displayed in Unit No 2 Every pushing of TEMP button used to set temperature the error log ...

Page 48: ...r unit and remote controller Detected at indoor unit side Indoor unit E04 04 Communication circuit error between indoor outdoor unit Detected at indoor unit side Indoor unit E06 E06 No of indoor units in which sensor has been normally received 04 Decrease of No of indoor units I F E07 Communication circuit error between indoor outdoor unit Detected at outdoor unit side I F E08 E08 Duplicated indoo...

Page 49: ...02 Comp 2 side 03 Comp 3 side 1d Compressor trouble lock IPDU H03 H03 01 Comp 1 side 02 Comp 2 side 03 Comp 3 side 17 Current detect circuit system error IPDU H04 H04 44 Comp 1 case thermo operation I F H05 H05 TD1 sensor miswiring I F H06 H06 20 Low pressure protective operation I F H07 H07 d7 Oil level down detective protection I F H08 H08 01 TK1 sensor error 02 TK2 sensor error 03 TK3 sensor er...

Page 50: ...ide AF ALT Phase missing detection Power failure detection Inverter DC voltage error comp Inverter DC voltage error comp Inverter DC voltage error comp I F P07 P07 01 Comp 1 side 02 Comp 2 side 03 Comp 3 side IC ALT Heat sink overheat error IPDU I F P09 P09 Detected heat storage address 47 ALT No heat storage unit water error Heat storage unit P10 P10 Detected indoor unit address Ob ALT Indoor uni...

Page 51: ...ontroller Check code name Judging device Central control device indication Outdoor unit 7 segment display AI NET central control display Sensor block display of receiving unit Auxiliary code Operation Timer Ready Flash C05 Sending error in TCC LINK central control device TCC LINK C06 Receiving error in TCC LINK central control device TCC LINK C12 Batch alarm of general purpose equipment control in...

Page 52: ...ll Toshiba EMEA Engineering Director Toshiba Carrier UK Ltd Porsham Close Belliver Industrial Estate PLYMOUTH Devon PL6 7DB United Kingdom Hereby declares that the machinery described below Generic Denomination Air Conditioner Model type MMU AP0094HP E MMU AP0124HP E MMU AP0154HP E MMU AP0184HP E MMU AP0244HP E MMU AP0274HP E MMU AP0304HP E MMU AP0364HP E MMU AP0484HP E MMU AP0564HP E Commercial n...

Page 53: ... m3 NOTE 1 If there are 2 or more refrigerating systems in a single refrigerating device the amounts of refrigerant should be as charged in each independent device For the amount of charge in this example The possible amount of leaked refrigerant gas in rooms A B and C is 10 kg The possible amount of leaked refrigerant gas in rooms D E and F is 15 kg NOTE 2 The standards for minimum room volume ar...

Page 54: ... 0001 HIGH CEILING 1 0002 HIGH CEILING 3 0003 High ceiling setup CODE NO 5d NO CHANGE 0000 STANDARD 0001 HIGH CEILING 1 0002 HIGH CEILING 3 0003 Have you changed lighting time of filter sign If not fill check mark in NO CHANGE and fill check mark in ITEM if changed respectively For check method refer to APPLICABLE CONTROLS in this manual Filter sign lighting time CODE NO 01 NO CHANGE NONE 0000 150...

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