Page 1: ...OA vK 6M50 vK 6P50 VK 6050 vK 10M50 VK 10P50 VK 10 50 NOTES t The designation of H before vK i HVKI dsnot s that the circuit braaker unit was assembled in the USA using domestic and foreigri components All relErgnces to modal numbere in thie manual will be by the numbets following the VK and HVK 2l Thi manuel waB writtan lor tha Toshiba typ form circuit brsakers listed on thi page used in coniunct...
Page 2: ...r their 1 S equivalgnt INOUIRIES should be addressed to Field ervice Department Toshiba lnternational Corporation 13 l31 West Littls York Road Houston Texas 77041 USA Telephone 1713 t 466 0277 800 231 1412 800 527 12O4 Cenada Fax 7131 466 8773 ll ffiFiliilC l uaa only Torhtba authodzad rBptacamont padr nWiF MiEl tiris equipment is de3igned and buitt in accordance with opptioable sttetl etandqrds i...
Page 3: ...TION CHECK 18 General 18 Elactrical Checks t8 oPERATtoN 19 Manual Operation 19 Electrical Op ration 20 Controf Ckcult Oparation ZO Closing Sequence 20 Charging Sequence 20 Tripping Oponing Saquanca 20 Mechanism Operation 25 Closing 25 Charging 25 Tripping 25 Trip Frae 25 MAINTENANCE 26 Maintenance Progtam 26 Maintgnanca R cord 26 Servioing Equipment 7 lnspaction and Maintenance Type3 2e lnspgction...
Page 4: ...ste property demage tflight also occur A CAlmOil Mean3 that you might be injured if vou do not follow instructions Equipment damage might elso occur NOTE Gives you nelpful informallon SAFETY CODE Comply with all applicable state and local codes Unless upsrssdad by etate and local codei adhere to all appliceble ANSI OSHA IEEE NEMA and National Eteclrical Cods NFPA 70 and Maintenance ProcEdures in N...
Page 5: ...tbr tdfr FEAD tt tnrJdflol t lluAl BEFoRE ATTElptlE THE FoUOlltttt pfiQOEltJfiES uAr rAl oFEE s PmcEDt Ae To lA E stf Negl n g chlrliE f5t toqrl cevst crd hE t1 ii htd bro Soqbr OF fte BtEa l t tlF fd Dcttt unfl a cH b tLtlll erd sEtla rr or R le ofiAndD g lqr Rd ldt e Fdt r ilttHr l5t rtd R tbat 8o ld Csnr 1rO La FSREAIGRT Fllhdlrat G eJfllll Ctqi Es b lre irf Tllql R rd ctoeED is0 td OlSCt AffiE...
Page 6: ...uction or opgration of the Equipment and awa e Ol the hazards involved 3l Be lrainad and suthorized to sf ly energizB de enetgize clear ground lockout 8nd tag circuits ln accordEnce wilh estSbli hed sefsty practice 4 Be trained ahd Suthorized to parform the service maiftenancs or rspair of this aquipment 5 Be trained in the proper care and use of protectiva equipment such as rubber glove hsrd hat ...
Page 7: ...lully unpack tha aquipmant sufficiently to cheok for missing pens or concealed damage 3l Keep the equipmefi upright Flg 2 A CAltflOil r ltl vat hy th6 esripmam on lia elde or upslde dwn Tlf may cause equhmrm drmrge to occur 4 File a claim with the csrrier for ny damaggd or missing itsms nd immediately notily the neaiest Toshlbe lnternational Corporation representative IZffil oo nor i6ral or en rll...
Page 8: ...s to avoid damage to tha aquipment and personal injury Always keep the circuit bf aker in e genBrally upright position ACAUflON when littlng the oircuit breekar vvlll tllt rllghtly backwards Stand clear of the bteake whon lifting or you may be inlured Always use lifting equipmant suilable for handling ths weight of the unit The capability of the llfting equipment to handle the size and weight of t...
Page 9: ...B or aun rays srote in oool cl6an and dry locetlon Place a dust cover over the circuit br ak6r packaging to prot ct against dift and moisture tote in an upright Position INSPECTION OURING STORAGE Rouine scheduled inspection ls nec6s34ry if storage iE lor En extended period The dlit should b checked for condensation moi ure cottogion and vermin ftior to instEllation the circuit breaker should be cr...
Page 10: ...g 8 and Fig g illust ate and identify various component8 of the circuit b eaker COMPONENTS LEGEND 1 Handle lor moving circuit breakar 2l Secondary disconnects 3 Rsting intBrlock pin 0M P oF0 8040 10040 10M P o50 4l lnterlock lever 5 Whssl 6 Primary disconnscts 7l Barrier Bl Rscking scrsw 9 Vacuum interrupter 1O Flexible conductor 11 lnsulatsd opsration rod 1Zl Bating interlock plat 6M P32A 6M P4OA...
Page 11: withdrawn until thB closing sp ngs 8re completely dischargod B CLOSE PIN INTERLOCK With the circuit bteaker olosed it cannot be mov6d betwaen the connected test and disconnected positiorc Alao it cannot be mov6d into or aut of the cubicl6 Th6 close pin ifiterlock Fig 1 1 is mechanically held down thus locking the unit in place Addition lly a salety plats blocks the racking handle opening to pr...
Page 12: ...ircuit bleaker front panal cannot be liftad wh6n thB circuit breaket is clo ed Belore lifting th interlock lBvsr vsrify that the opan closed indicator reads OPEN grosn when tho interlock lever is lifted the closing action is blocked boih electrically and rnsch6nically wilh the interlock lever up the micloswitch Fig 151 is open thus electricallY prevsnting the circuit brsak r from being closed Fig ...
Page 13: ...e is ln tbe connestsd or t6st position fA l Hazardorr6 votraga Turn otf and Lock Out Pdmary and Control Circuit Power B6for Sarvlclqg To snsur smooth connection of the self coupllng contact8 apply a thin film ol TOSHIBA B8 grease to th stationary cornacts before insening the circuit breaker irto the cell cradle nWAf rcl Do mt alow greese or any od 3r aubstanccs to cortamid te insulating mNtcriab C...
Page 14: ...uire derating or other special equiPment Contact ToEhiba lntsrnational CorPoration for additional lntormstion RATIIVG Prior to ln tallation The maximum fault curredt capaoily ol tho powsr sy3t6m at thB point of installstion should be verified This valug must not exceed ths symmetrical interruptino eapability ot the circult bteaker Fig 18 illuetrEtes a typical circuit breaket nameplatg and ratings ...
Page 15: ...A fil lmto fl r l 6 13 8 1066 100 l t3 IE t 0 t 0 3C 36 t5 s 2o0o 3000 B7 37 a 2 1E 15 37 g7 l7 6A F9 lotFo totto iooEo 19 t 13 t t3 8 t 000 looo 1000 16 t5 l5 lo l 1 30 36 3 36 s E6 1206 2l qt 30m s7 g7 3 I 3 2 2 i t 5 I 1 5 116 49 t6 4E 4 0 46 t7 77 17 Table 1 RATINGS Numbol6 ITIOTES Basis ANSI C37 06 r fer to the r 2l 3 ANSI C37 OB does not define thes r6tings MEximum voltage for which lhe circ...
Page 16: ...o 6nd from th switchgear EWffiMt 6 Do not attempt to irstar ot remova a circult breaker abova floor level from a compartmefit by uting th6 lifting 6y68 or plater Ure a To5hlba portable lifter lIffiEl Dbcharge sprtngs compt rcly ffilre irHtallution A CAtmOil Alwaya lnsurs the portibl llfter ls operated on a fififi and l vel Surface USIilO THE PORTABLE LIFTER 1 et wheel stops to the lock d position ...
Page 17: ...he porrdue riftGr must b6 s cu ly flx6d to ths clrcult breaket cell befu e traGfcrdng the cirllir t k ler lo or from lha cell 5 Ramove the circuit bteaker ifiterlock pin 6 Follow the procedure MOVING THE CIRCUIT EREAKER lN THE GELL for insertion into the equlpment cell MOUNTING PADS Some installations utilize elevated equipment mounting pads This ryp of irEtallation will increa e ths ovorell heigt...
Page 18: ...22 Clrcult Breaket with Dlscharged Springs NOTE 2t 1 T6Bt Poiiffon Disconnected Position Fig Wlth th closing spring charged the circuit brgdker cannot bB moved into or out of the cell With rhe circuit breaker closed it cannot be moved between the Connected Test snd Disconnact Positions and it cannot be moved into ol oui of the cell This position is between the Position and th6 Connected 24t Dbconn...
Page 19: ...te Conn ct d Posldon 2 Lift the ifierlock levar 3l Ineen the racking handle as hown in Fig 27 4l Turn the handle clockwise Fig 28 The cirouit breaker will move inward 5l Stop rotating the tacking hsndle when the raoking scr6w thread h s cleared the racking nw You will heer e click sound ae th6 arrow at the lower paft of the cirouit brsaker comes in line whfi the red line of the Connected Position ...
Page 20: ...vold equlpme t damage lo not push the clo3lng button lgrEenl whlle thc lnterlock Lever ii l fted 3 lnsen the raching handle Fig 271 4l Turn the racking handle coufterclookwise to mov ths circuit broakBr to th8 Tert Positj on 5 Stop rotating th racking handlo whsn the raeking crew thread has cleared the racking nut You will hear a click sound as ths arrow at th6 lowdr pan of the circuit breaker ali...
Page 21: ...p wire snd othel deblis left over from instelletion muBt bs cleanad out E Cover all unueed openings in the circuit breaket cell r all ELEC RICAt CHECKS nWARl Ql Eecrrical shock not touch energlzed components u ng auxiliary Power panels and covars tr A Eupply ot epEre parts fuses etc should be e3tsbllshrd I lnstructlon manuals snd diagrams should be collected and filed n Replace all pans guards and...
Page 22: ...ired 3 Remove the charging h6ndl6 and r6plac6 ths cover plat6 to the Opening NOTE The number of times the handle must be opefsted depends on the sngle of handla oparation B Manual Closing Operation Pueh the manualclosing button green and th6 circuit braakBr will close Fig 32 At this time the open closed indicator reads CLOSED rad and th spring charging indicaror turn3 to Dl CHARGED whlto A CAIIIIO...
Page 23: ...n wirh ths open closed indicstor reading OFEN greenl cor lYRol ct RcutT oPEnAnoI l A Closing Sequence Th6 schematics hown in Fig 34 thru Fig 36 r6fl6cts the condition where 1 Ghatgtng 13 complate and 2 Th circuit breaker is open IVOTE Thc closing spring immedi8tBlY begins chalging when the control circuit is energizsd Pour rful tprlngs and movlng geare Do not plaae yout hands of eny part of your b...
Page 24: ...tedts N 0 x Conuol relay coil X a Control relay contacts N o l X tt Contlol rclry contacts N C l cc Closing coil TC Trip coil a1 5 Auxiliary contacrs N O l bt b5 4ur 11 ry q6n166s N C M cherging motor LS Limh switches DI D5 Diodes RI R4 Resistors IL lntor lock switches c Cepscitor F Fuse Lcg Latch Checking Switch Hg 37 Legend for Co rol Ckctrit Schamatics ...
Page 25: ... No 1530 P 26 OPERATION Page 23 l 8 SN end doGlng dng dlal d t 5 oFF Clodng igr Ll slrn o dGln op rdion Cdlnpleuon ot do8lng op rdon 1 3 Ol i rnd deing rgnrB cfierged Stai of healdng operuisn Flg 38 Sequance of Opgration ...
Page 26: ...Ali1 No 1530 P 21 Page 24 OPERATION trip cacch trip coil c ioEing sprilg Cl oei ng Vac lrum inter uptef paddle Closlng eoil CloEing Trip paddl catch Wip6 rl rl CloElbE button openisg spring I taid Ehaft Flg 39 Mechanist ...
Page 27: ...quickly into the condilion shown in Fig 41 in which the circuit breaker is closed B Charging From ths closed condition ol Fig 41 only the closing cam is rotaled by tha motor with thB circuit breaker kept closed ufiil the roller on th6 cam sngages with the catch Tripping Wh6n thB trip Bhaft ig released by lhe trip button or the trip coil dll tha linke raturn to the original open oondition shown in ...
Page 28: ...mBnt Do not allow grrlte or lny othsr subetancs to aontaminate any intularirq materl6ls Gofteminated lBulatots oan allow 8 rhort clrcult ot ground fauh to occul iIOTE Refer to the SAFETY section of this manual lor imPonant information MAIII TEIIAT CE HECORD Keep a p6rman6nt record of all maintenanca work At a minimum this r3cord should lncluda information on Item inspec tlon Repons of any testing ...
Page 29: ... attempt this 38rvic6 2 Oo not servic a eircuit bteaker unit while connected to ths line lerminals withdraw the de energized circuit break r from the anargiead main bus before sgrvicing Never sE YicE the olrsult breaker whlla ln the Cormeoted Porition 3 Verify that the automatic Iine tsrminal Ehutters are closgd Ilcver service a unit unless the 6 Shutters ara fully closed 4 ltleve perform s6rvic o...
Page 30: ...t the contacting gurfac s ol rh main conductive pans with Toshiba B8 greas 3 Close and ttip circuit br ek r manually and alectrically to insure Proper operation of m chaniom ChEck wiPe measurement Pg 361 4 lnspect to insure lubricadon of sliding end rotating pans 5 LubricEt sliding and rotating parts with machine oll ts r quirod 6 Test the clrcuit breeksr to inaurB that primary and econdary circui...
Page 31: ... No 1530 P 32 Olh or tO vAc N or O cr 5C rcsir rA E6 cRlcsE o cr r o ro Nor uERrcAiE cl coN AVl lA t Tr OTIER Cr s Cl GiA S b tA A sHcwN DTSASSEVBLED fi RNAL Pc l r S I TERNAL PCI ES Flg 43 Points and Type6 of Lubricetion ...
Page 32: ...ency should ba at a minimum twice as oft n lf th 1 2th year overhaul is not cetriBd out ths Detsil lnspBction should be applied in the cyeleE of ths Psriodical lnspaction every 3 years Should the circuit breeker ba subiEcted to a sev re condition such as drop collision earthquek6 or fire contacr Toshiba lnternational corporation for s compi6ts inspection lgpldoh rpFfrn Pra4llcl tssn Ctpdt l6dnl I ...
Page 33: ... B 3 c EE Vrg 6r g st FE E oo EE E EE JIE EE l ra rE oq 3 l qo dg o ot d t tGd oEt_t tc F cr 8 c r d eFl J c rit EXXO IJJOEla Es t p9 EE E g to 83 E9g tr ct rl o E 0 J I E J 8 lr 9 oil e 8g O E B ET gEE J J 6 J 6 t IJ o tr E d E U c o qt r P C r P OEE E f 1 E g E J u I iJ t lt 5 J t s a q E o IC 6 c J o 8e o6 E lE 9E F_C o c 9E 6 t d P c r0J 838 tl a l fit E E EE EHE ED c d ct E o g g L oo JEI vt ...
Page 34: ...D otE E efE a 6 ED it J O a E o Ei e E 9du EEAE Or tr a E d EE o tD e4 6Jc S BH q I EE gri FE aE EFl FFEEH aqooEdl u ca ara T c o att E o c o a YF o o6t oQ nt cl E 5 9 rlt 9 EE oo o tr o l c o o E att o o a f E E c o E t o E J J TJ ID c t EI ab dt ttt 4 I i O C aa 6EB ET 60 9ti l I t o o t tJ o E o F f p J C o a d l o r 9 lo g E o rri it E c t o e 6E v o c E o E E o g o E c o F E B st E j r aJ co ...
Page 35: ... o E ttt E 6 E i f E b o o o o i o o E t4 Ei FE ho tso ecl o c 6 g I c o i 6 lr E o o c dr 6q t i g sE o o d an l o 6 c J E d ql ff g Et El EE Ett SEis gS g fig E E EEE EH cEic E 9d ou E p l 6e EE s tr tr lll 1 c uF 3rJ EE nL o lll O E FE E o c o E o g u l E o c o EJ oo tro 3 c l t c E t E i d cD rE 6 o O y o o g E o v l E u E Elo ED O c E tt cl oe ots io E5 E c E6 c 6 B t o J D g bllP EE rEHB c e...
Page 36: ...E 4t E o c vt zi p3 6p FS g E tt E o s6 ofr fe ot t 9 oE Os co Ftr e9 T sE E E qE dEEE gOEH oEdE EEHs E Z EgE F bi t 9o it6 g 13 ioo E trc EE Hes tf c t qb oo9 s ttE l Jgt o c 6 a E o 66 9t 9r6 ob 4F FE o o rgd d6r l a l t E oS 6 Irgo ct I EEE E88 dF F oii El L o E J o o E c EE glr 9B c6 Fh L J o o a 5 J o E o E a E F eB E bLE rlD L o tr6 E EEE srepE ll tJ c u g 3 A o o o 6 2 ID J o a c 9 6 c E o ...
Page 37: ... a q n gt rQ trE 4 E osQ 9s6 FEtr PS EF ld d lE o Eo oJ be FO qi o ED J E o o o o o to o o o c l oY EE o att o EE o a E oP o9 loE o E od EE r r E o E o 8E ll L tt o c E t 6 oat Eo o i Er c 1 EP ct ll L J0 u ao u Eb lc 6E dE o g a J J CJ c u J o o o tg E at t 6 _ u 5 E E g EgE gEE Esp ct5e tr 6 L a o E u o ofgH 3 E E 9or tr co o oc l It n l tA E 4 o E o z o o o u o o o o o th tr 6 d J IJ 4 E U rt t...
Page 38: ...p opeity d6mage EWAsllG rvau r aqu the wrpe of a vacuurn i terrupter lmpropsl edjusrrnent of the wlp can rcsult in fte explo6ion Sevele iniury daadl end Flop rty damag For 6M32A 1OM25A2 6P32A r0P25A2 5M40A l0M40A 6P40A 10P40A 8M4OA 8P4OA Wirh th6 circuit breaker closed visually check the wipe mark redl ae shown in Fig 46 Tho irnerrupter mu t be replaoed when tho wlpo mark ia no longer visible an n...
Page 39: ...ow maxirnurh petmitted by andards EWARl tNGl R distionErpoiuro Harerd x ray mey cause lllnerg or lnJury Stay rt leNst 1 fieter 3 3 fi eway from cltctth btoaker dudng thl5 teit tffiim ttlG l Hrzardous vortases ate present durihg dielec ic terting whlch can r utt ln eevere injury or death Onb quelillGd pemonnel rhould conduct thlr t sdng For Vacuum Check Procedures see pages 39 6nd 40 Fig 40 ia an e...
Page 40: ...l iav 31 2012 9 2lAM No 1530 P 41 0 slilA 100r 30kV Aut fensfonrl r Fig 49 Exempl of Wthstand Voltage TeBt Circuit vapp Vollrce ng 50 Medod of Applving voltags ...
Page 41: ...lectric breakdown voltagc and th vacuum intarnal pressure is hown in Fig 52 ESmMm l FadtattonExpogure Hazatd x rrys mly cause lllnaas or lnjury Stay at le6st 1 rnetet 3 3 ttl aw y from citcuit br6ak r drrlng thls iest lll milmGl Hazardour vottases are preie t dufng liclacttlE tesdng vrhlch c8n rssult ln rcvete iniuty or death Only qualified parBonnil lhsuld conduct thls tEstlng Set Upi 1 TEst ckcu...
Page 42: a voltage increase rhe intenupter is good 1 2t 3 4 Ra Irtion Expocura Hezard X Criteria lEy5 may cause ifiness or iniury Stary at leaSt l mster 13 3 ft away fiom clrcult breaker durim fii8 taEt lTwiEn q Hazildou Yortase ere pr ent drdng dlelestrlc testing which can rrsult in eavcre iniury or derth Only quallfiad peEonnd hould conduct thi testing et up 1 Test circuit Fig 49 2 Circuit Breaker Tes...
Page 43: ...g 64 Motor burnsdl I Mechanical Unit has bB6n utilized for a Conversion Binding du6 to MOC or other problem Requiras factory BErvice contact your convsrsion rnanufactursr Control Circuit Aux Swltch poor contsct ot burned RBplace Fig 55 Fig 56 Fis 59 contlol relay poor contact or burnedl Rsplac6 antira control circuit board Fig 55 Fig 66 Fis 68 Aux Relay poor contact or burned Replace eftire contro...
Page 44: ...nsulated op retion rod damaged I Undesirably clos6 without a closing siqnal Mechanism Closing catch uneble to res t It Fig 39 Closing shaft uneble to reset Fig 39 Control circuit Shon circuit of the closing circuit and the power supply circuit ldentiiy and coffect Fig 34 Fig 37 Doas not trip 8t 8ll when a trippirE signsl is suppli6d MecnaniSm Trip coil burned or galled Replace Fig E5 Fig 60 Fis 64...
Page 45: ...or galladl Replec6 Fig 55 Fig 6O Fig 64 Terminal and connector poor contact or burned Beplaca Thare is a tripping sound but it actually did not trip Mechanism Link gsll6dl t Fis 39 Unclgslrably trip without a tripping signal Mschaniem Trip catch damagodl Fig 39 Control ckcuit Shon circuit of the tripping circuit and the power supply oitcuit ldentify and correct Fig 3tl Fig 37 ltem Requires Factory...
Page 46: ...t Part Location Use only gefiine Toshib8 parts Use of non Toshibe perb can tesult ln sevG c iniury deatn and property damage Only qualified por1 onn t ihould replaoe pan within thlr cltcult brcaker Scccndrry lGentrtl GitcuiU Oiicorn cis Gorbul Cir rlit Bo d Tdp Coll AldllerySwltch Cla ln Coll ...
Page 47: ...t cover of the circuit breaker 3l Disconnsct thB link from the main shaft of the operating machanism bY removing th6 screw Fig 56 4 Remova ths four sctews which sttach the auxiliary switch to the circuil braaker Fig 57 5l RBmove wires conneclgd to th auxlliary Bwitch iIOTE Matk thB auxiliary switch terminel numbers on the wir t rminals to prevent mis wiring 6l Re attachthe wire totho nsw tuxiliary...
Page 48: ...dngn arc CHARGED or the cftbrdt btcaftct if CLOSED 11 Manually close the oircuit brBaker by pressing the Closing Bwton Conlirm the non continuw of the NC b contacte with I t st r lTerminale No 1 2 5 6 9 10 13 14 and 17 18 Confirm the conrinuhy of the NO r a contactg T rmin8l No 3 4 7 A 11 2 15 16 and 19 20 Manually trip the circult brgakgr by pressing the Trip tsutton Contirm that ths circuir brea...
Page 49: ...ore beginning replacement of thB coil confirm th6 resistance and armalure sttoke of tha new coil is correct by using Table 6 lf a mea ured value is dirfsrent trom thal listed in the table contact Toshiba lnternational Corp for assistdnce Table 8 Coil RB5istsnc6 end Armeture Stroke Rsmove the front panel of the citouit breaker Rernove thE rcraws holding the coil in place Fig 62 Con irm that there i...
Page 50: ...ldle the springs are CHARGED or the circuit br Ek3r lB CLOSED 8 Confirm that the coil operates the citcuit br akgr by th6 vohag range in Tabls 7 lf rhe cirouit breaker does noi operate whhin the specified rang contact Toshiba lnts rnationa I Corporation Not Rscommended by ANSI 9l Confirm that no parts o tools are left in ide tho circuit br6ak r 10 Replaco the lront covar Fig 65 NOTE Close and trip...
Page 51: ...ated operating voltags of control circuit board before repla0ement NOTE For information concarning Circuit Boerds othet thsn 3N9A0007 A contact Toshiba lnte lnat iorr8 Corporation Tabl6 8 Conffol Ci cuit Board V Circuit Bcard 3N9A0007 A Check Point R3 in Fig BB Conuol voltage 30 Dc 48 DC 1 00 1 10 DC 128 DC 200 220 Dc 250 DC nssi3tinca Nnd CaDecitv 100ohm 2W 24oohm 2W 75O ohm 2W I kohm 2w 3kohm 2W...
Page 52: ...n End tighten the thumbscrew PuEh rhe connsctor into the control circuit boafd sock unil locked in plsce Gonfirm that the circuit breaker properly op6rat electrically Unit contains powe tul rprlngs Do not dace your hands or any part st your body iniide the circuit breaker or near ths mechanlgm wHl the spdngE are CHABGED or dt circuit beakar i CIOSED S Confirft th6t ihe circuit brBak r operates wit...
Page 53: ...nect the wire harness connBctor from th control circuit boald socket by pulling the connector straight out while depressing the connestor tab to unlock ir Ftg 69 ACAtmOil Turnlng o rotatlns connsctor care ot pulling on conn6ctor wltss ctn caut6 contact tallurE 4l R mova th thumbscrew Fig 701 ratate th t retalnlng apring downward 6nd dr8w out the Control Clrcuir Board Flg 71 5i Replace the fuse Fig...
Page 54: aker proparly operates electlically Unit containa powerfi tl pdnee Do not plaae youi hands or any ptn of your body inride the c rcuh breaker or near the mechariam wHle e 6prings er CHAHGED ol the circult breaker ls CLO ED 1Ol Contirm that no pans ot tools ars lslt inside tha circuit breaker 11 Replaca the fiont cover Fig 73 FueeReplacement ...
Page 55: ...G002 1 25VDC 4D9A2174G003 110t 100vDc 4D9A2174G004 50 48VDC 4D9A2174GO05 3OVDC 40942174G006 24VDC 409A2174GO07 2 Auxiliery relay unit l go l 40 I 1 250VDC 4D9A217 G001 22Q 200vDc 4DgA2176GO02 12sVDC 4D9A2176G003 1 10 100VDc 4D9A2175G004 50 48VDC 4D9A2176G008 3ovDc 4D9A2176G00G 3 Auxiliary switch 1 4DgA2177GO04 4 Secondary disconnects vCB side rT ____ l I v krSg i r 185 2 4D9A2179G001 t Secondary d...
Page 56: ...itchgeer matal clad and station typg cubicle switchgoEr and ahBmating current high voltaga chcuit breakers end Z The mechafiical end electrical designs and opgration of the Toshibd vacuum circuit breaker componeltt and th6 orlglnal circuit breEker to be conv rt3d must be analyzed to utllizo th6 sdfgft combinEtion of interlocks lncorporat d in the bredker component and in the ttuck on Which it iS i...
Page 57: ... by tha following procedure 1 Oisconnsct the conirol circuit power 2 Dsprass the Trlp Button red lollowed by the clo3ing Eutton green and then d6pre3s the Trip Button red onc6 again lf tho circuit breaker that k being convertBd utilizes the automatic sprlng discharge to discharge the cloaing spring upon oither the insenion or withdrawal of the circuit breaker into or out of tha csll tne discbnnEor...
Page 58: ...y physical poinr of rhe closing operation and r l as any en tgy stored in the claiing springs thus rEducing tha chancEs of o serious electrical failute Once the vMD has performed o tripping opararion it will eut the control circuit powe to the charging motor thus preventing the closing springs from being rachatged This will tandBr the c rcuit breaker temgorarily inoperable The VMD will reset autom...