Toshiba HD-A30 - HD DVD Player Specifications Download Page 1

T H E   H D - A 3 0   TA K E S   T H E   P E R F O R M A N C E   A N D   C O N V E N I E N C E   O F   H D   D V D   T O   T H E   N E X T   L E V E L . 

For the highest level of picture quality with today’s best performing high defi nition TVs, the HD-A30 adds 1080p 

output. That’s twice the resolution of a 720p signal. The HD-A30 is equipped with CE-Link HDMI

-CEC connectivity. 

This convenient feature offers the capability to communicate with and control another HDMI-CEC compatible device in 

a completely new way. 

1080p/24 frames per second (24p) support offers a smoother, more fi lm-like, viewing experience. Traditionally, 

movie fi lms are captured at 24 frames per second. The HD-A30 HD DVD player maintains this frame rate, allowing 

consumers to enjoy movies in their native frame rate.

High defi nition playback delivers 720p/1080i/1080p resolution, 

up to 

six times the resolution of DVD*. Using leading-edge effi cient video 

compression standards makes it possible to experience the full potential 

of your HDTV.

Advanced audio,

 including Dolby


 TrueHD, Dolby


 Digital Plus and DTS



HD (core only), along with legacy formats including Dolby


 Digital and 



 bring an increased sonic realism to movie soundtracks.

Slim chassis cosmetic design 

is only 59.5 mm and features a sleek 

high gloss, black acrylic face plate - a perfect complement to your HD 

LCD television. 

Backwards compatibility

 means you can enjoy your existing library 

of DVDs and CDs, and through the process of upconversion and output 

through HDMI, your movies are scaled to match the resolution of your 

HD display for near-HD picture quality.

Web-Enabled capability 

opens a whole new world of  entertainment 

experiences that can include access to exciting studio-provided 

enhanced features.

Ethernet connection 

allows your HD DVD player to receive updates to 

support future applications and services.

T H E   T O S H I B A   A D V A N T A G E
