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Cover open jam
[E400] Jam access cover open
1. Close the jam access cover if it is opened. Remove if there is any paper before closing it.
2. Is the voltage of 24V being supplied from the power supply unit? (Perform the input check: 03-
[FAX] ON/[2]/[B])
3. Check if the connector CN361 on the LGC board is disconnected from the connector CN405 on
the switching regulator or the harnesses are open circuited. Correct if any.
4. Check if the fuse (F201, F202, F203, and F204) on the switching regulator has blown.
5. Replace the LGC board.
6. Replace the switching regulator.
7. Is the transfer cover switch working properly? (Perform the input check: 03-[FAX] ON/[3]/[D])
8. Check if the connector CN338 on the LGC board is disconnected from the transfer cover switch
or the harnesses are open circuited. Correct if any.
[E410] Front cover open jam
1. Close the front cover if it is opened.
2. Is the voltage of 24V being supplied from the power supply unit? (Perform the input check: 03-
[FAX] ON/[2]/[B])
3. Check if the connector CN345 on the LGC board is disconnected from the connector CN405 on
the switching regulator or the harnesses are open circuited. Correct if any.
4. Check if the fuse (F201, F202, F203, and F204) on the switching regulator has blown.
5. Replace the LGC board.
6. Replace the switching regulator.
[E420] PFP side cover open jam
1. Close the PFP side cover if it is opened. Remove if there is any paper before closing it.
2. Is the PFP side cover opening/closing switch working? (Perform the input check: 03-[FAX]OFF/
3. Check if the connector CN349 on the LGC board is disconnected from the PFP side cover
opening/closing switch or the harnesses are open circuited. Check if the connectors CN241 and
CN243 on the PFP board are disconnected. Correct if any.
4. Replace the PFP side cover opening/closing switch.
5. Replace the PFP board.
6. Replace the LGC board.
[E430] ADU open jam
1. Close the ADU if it is opened. Remove if there is any paper before closing it.
2. Is the ADU opening/closing switch working? (Perform the input check: 03-[FAX]ON/[2]/[C])
3. Check if the connector CN338 on the LGC board is disconnected from the ADU opening/closing
switch or the harnesses are open circuited. Check if the connectors CN211 and CN217 on the
ADU board are disconnected. Correct if any.
4. Replace the ADU opening/closing switch.
5. Replace the ADU board.
6. Replace the LGC board.
[E440] Side cover open jam
1. Close the side cover if it is opened. Remove if there is any paper before closing it.
2. Is the side door switch working? (Perform the input check: 03-[FAX]ON/[0]/[B])
3. Check if the connector CN348 on the LGC board is disconnected from the side cover switch or
the harnesses are open circuited. Correct if any.
4. Replace the side door switch.
5. Replace the LGC board.