Managing Print Jobs
PDF files are always spooled to the GA-1040 hard disk before being printed. PDF files
must be sent to the Print queue (or to the Hold queue if the Print queue is not
enabled). Do not choose Direct Connection to download PDF files.
In the Look in pop-up menu, browse to the file(s) you want to download.
Select the filename and click Add.
The Filename field displays the name of the selected file before you click Add.
You can navigate to different drives and folders to select files and fonts to download.
To select multiple sequential files, select the first file and then Shift-click the last file.
Ctrl-click to select multiple non-sequential files.
If you change your mind about a file, select the filename in the Files to be downloaded
list and click Remove.
To change the attributes of a file, select it from the “Files to be Downloaded” list and
click Options.
The Options dialog box for PostScript and EPS files is different from that for PDF
files, as explained below.
Specify the following information in the dialog box and click OK.
The options you set apply only to the selected file. You can set different options, or
leave the default settings, for each file.
—Specify the number of copies.
(PostScript and EPS files only)—Change the Brightness setting if a file
appears to be too dark or too light. Choose 85% for a substantially lighter image,
115% for a substantially darker image, or one of the options in between.
PostScript options
PDF options