No. 2A201-519EN*A
Scan Control Room
The console (CPU BOX, monitors
2, keyboards
2, mice
2) is installed in the scan control room.
If the system transformer is installed beside the console, adequate
distance must be kept between them. Otherwise, the displayed images
may be adversely affected.
(1) Window
The window for monitoring the scanning room should be in front of or on the side of the
console. The lowest window frame should be 90 cm from the floor for easy patient
monitoring. A curtain should be provided for the window facing the outside.
(2) Entry
Doors should be provided at both the corridor and scanning room.
Take extreme care for X-ray leakage from the scanning room door.
(3) Illumination
For easy image reading, install freely adjustable or two-step-adjustable illumination.
(4) Receptacles
At least two standard outlets should be provided near the console for installation of the 3D
workstation and InnerVision PC.
A public telephone line jack for InnerVision should also be provided.
In addition to the above, the wiring and power distribution ducting or pit should be installed in
accordance with subsection 7.5 "Wiring Pits and Wall Ducts".