Learning the Basics
Printing your work
To save a file you are updating:
Open the File menu of the program you are using, then click
HINT: To make another copy of the file you are currently
working with, choose
Save As
from the File menu and give
the new file a different name.
File names
File names can be up to 255 characters in length. You may use all
the letters and numbers on the keyboard plus the following
characters: _,^,$,~,!,#,%,&,{,},(,),@,[,], +, -, ;, and ‘. File names
can include spaces.
Printing your work
Before you begin printing, make sure your computer is set up for
your printer. See
“Setting up Windows to work with your
TECHNICAL NOTE: You only need to set up the printer the
first time you connect it. If you use more than one printer or
are changing printers, you will need to set up Windows
run with the additional printer(s).