Copyright © 2017 TOSHIBA TELI CORPORATION, All Rights Reserved.
We shall be exempted from taking responsibility and held harmless for damage or losses incurred by the
user in the following cases.
Natural disasters, such as an earthquake and thunder, fire or any other act of God; acts by third
parties; misuse by the user, whether intentional or accidental; use under extreme operating conditions.
In the case of indirect, additional, consequential damages (loss of business interests, suspension of
business activities) are incurred as result of malfunction or non-function of the equipment, we shall be
exempted from responsibility for such damages.
In the case damage or losses are caused by failure to observe the information contained in the
instructions in this instruction manual and specifications.
In the case damage or losses are caused by use contrary to the instructions in this instruction manual
and specifications.
In the case damage or losses are caused by malfunction or other problems resulting from use of
equipment or software that is not specified.
In the case damage or losses are caused by repair or modification conducted by the customer or any
unauthorized third party (such as an unauthorized service representative).
Expenses we bear on this product shall be limited to the individual price of the product.
The item that is not described in specifications of this product is off the subject of the guarantee.
The attachment mistake of a cable.