Latitude Elbow Prosthesis
8. ULNAR PREPARATION (triceps splitting approach)
Latitude Elbow Prosthesis Surgical Technique UCLT101
The jig is removed.
Lateral view after all cuts have been completed (fig. 43)
Irrigate the bell saw continuously while cutting to prevent
Attach the handle to the appropriate size (S/M/L) and side
(R/L) ulnar diaphysis drill guide (fig. 44a).
Place the drill guide in the sigmoid cut and drill the ulnar
canal with the 4.5 mm drill bit to the depth of the mark
corresponding to the size of the implant (fig. 44b).
The tip of the olecranon can be removed with a rongeur
if necessary.
The position of the guide should be aligned as shown
with reference to the tip of the coranoid and olecranon.
Instruments to use
Ulnar diaphysis axis
drill guide handle
Ulnar diaphysis axis drill bit
Ulnar diaphysis axis
drill guide
(fig. 43)
(fig. 44a)
(fig. 44b)
TO LATITUDE INT UCLT101.qxd:Mise en page 1 7/07/10 15:01 Page 26