Latitude Elbow Prosthesis
Patient position
The patient may be positioned in a lateral decubitus position
or a supine position based upon surgeon preference.
It is important to have full mobility of the elbow
during the procedure. A sterile tourniquet is employed.
A straight incision is made approximately 15 centimeters
in length and centered just lateral to the medial epicondyle
and just medial to the tip of the olecranon (fig. 16a).
Full thickness medial and lateral flaps are elevated
on the deep fascia (fig. 16b).
Ulnar Nerve transposition
The medial aspect of the triceps mechanism is identified
and the ulnar nerve is isolated using loupe magnification
(fig. 16c). The medial intermuscular septum is excised.
The ulnar nerve is mobilized and transposed anteriorly
into the subcutaneous tissue (fig. 16d).
It is carefully protected throughout the remainder of the
Latitude Elbow Prosthesis Surgical Technique UCLT101
(fig. 16a)
(fig. 16b)
(fig. 16c)
(fig. 16d)
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