The Date and Time can be configured by selecting the current month and year by pressing the arrow buttons on
each side of the “Month-Year” display and selecting the day of the month by selecting the actual day. The time is
set by pressing the two square boxes under the clock; the left sets the hours and the right sets the minutes. Press
the Save button to commit the changes. A dialog box will appear to confirm the change “Date and Time”. The user
may cancel the changes by pressing the “Cancel” button. Please note that changing the date and time will have an
effect on the logs chronology.
User Login Page / KeyPad Page
User Login KeyPad:
This page allows the user to log into a higher security level by entering a password. If the password is valid the text
field will turn green and if it is invalid, the text field will turn red. A "X" button appears in the text field as soon as a
character is entered, allowing for a quick erase of the written password.
If the password is invalid for a consecutive number of times, the user will be redirected to the "Service Dealer"
page, allowing the user to communicate with the appropriate Service Dealer.
If the password is valid, the "Configuration" page will reload and the access security level will be shown inside the
lock. To log off, click on the lock and the user security level will return to "0"
Other KeyPads:
The KeyPad is activated every time the user clicks on a grey rectangle box with white text representing a text that
can be set. The "X" button allows the user to cancel editing the value. The back arrow erases the last entered