Fig. 15
Fig. 16
No te :
The maximum height adjustment must be reduced by 10 mm at pivot angles of 30ºor more.
Wo rkin g with th e c irc u la r ta b le s a w
Only use sharp, uniformly and sufficiently crossed circular saw blades. Adjust the splitting wedge and fasten it
securely. Adjust the protective cover appropriately for the sawing tool thickness. Adopt a working stance as
indicated in the figure. Keep out of the danger zone. (Fig 16)
Feed the work piece with both hands (be sure to use the feeding rod near the saw blade) until it is behind the
splitting wedge. Secure longer work pieces so that they do not flip after the cutting procedure (i.e. with a
table extension). (Fig.17)
Fig. 17
Fig. 18
Cu ttin g n a rro we r wo rk p ie c e s , e d g e s a n d s trip s …
Use the flat edge of the longitudinal limit stop for work pieces narrower than 120 mm. Use a parallel
intermediate piece if necessary. Secure longer work piece so that they do not flip after the cutting procedure (i.e.
with a table extension). (Fig 18)
Dia g o n a l lim it s to p
The diagonal limit stop can be mounted on the left or right hand side of the saw blade in the T-groove.
Diagonal cuts between 90ºand 45ºcan be exactly made due to the optional diagonal positioning. ( Fig.19)
Diagonal positioning is made possible by the 90ºorientation of the two supporting surface of the limit stop.
VER 07-07-2013