Ma lfu n c tio n s
Ma c h in e vib ra te s
Clamping levers for height and diagonal adjustment are not tightly screwed.
Sawing tool is not tightly screwed.
Cu ts a re n o t c le a n /wo o d is b u rn e d
Sawing tool is dull.
Sawing tool is incorrectly mounted.
Ra p id s awin g to o l we a r
Sawing tool is incorrectly sharpened.
Contaminated wood (cement, sand, nails).
Mo to r b e c o m e s to o wa rm
(It is too hot to touch
with bare hands, it continuously shuts itself off.) By all
means have a qualified electrician inspect the motor.
Ma c h in e c o m e s to a s to p
Overloading (feeding too rapid, sawing tool is dull).
Wo o d is ra is e d b y th e re a r s id e o f th e s aw b la d e
Longitudinal limit stops are not parallel.
Splitting wedge is not aligned or crossing is too weak.
Th e s p in d le h e ig h t is d iffic u lt to a d ju s t
Thoroughly clean and lubricate the threaded rod, gears and slide tracks.
Check the operation of the clamping lever.
Mis c e lla n e o u s
Bearings make unusual noises. Inspect the bearings and replace if necessary.
Check the tension of the poly-v belt (poly-v belts are accessible when the exhaust cover is removed).
VER 07-07-2013