multiSwitch – user manual
© TOPEX 2008 56
7.11 TELNET commands
Telnet (
work) is a client-server network protocol based on connection-
oriented reliable transport. Usually, this protocol is used for establishing a connection through the TCP
23 port, where an equivalent application is listening.
The Telnet protocol is used to remotely connect to an equipment, to diagnose the problems of
such equipment, query the remote application regarding certain of its parameters.
The Telnet commands used for multiSwitch equipment are detailed in the table below:
Displays all the commands and their description
access in
Allows the view of the loaded "Accessin" configuration
access out
Allows the view of the loaded "Accessout" configuration
all queue
Allows you to view all the calls in the call queue
billing fields number
Indicates the number of billing fields in the file "
billing profile [profile id]
Indicates the ID for the specified profile
billing profiles
Displays all the billing profiles
count all online users
Displays the number of online users
count offline users
Displays the number of offline users
count sip users
Displays the number of online SIP users
Displays the classes defined on the equipment
debug on
Turns on the debug function
debug off
Turns off the debug function
dialog states
Displays the call status for each conversation
fdwatch connections
Indicates all the fdwatch connections available (telnet,
httpd etc)
forking group [group
Indicates the SIP users from the selected forking group
fw subscriptions
Indicates all the events redirected by the Proxy SIP
global rules
Displays the list of global administration rules
global translate prefix
Displays the list of the translated prefixes
hunting group [group
Indicates the SIP users from the hunting group