Join the control surfaces
1. Start with the stab and elevators. Remove a
small strip of covering from the hinge slots.
2. Without using any glue, insert the hinges into
the stab. Fill the torque rod holes in the elevators with
30-minute epoxy.
3. Join the elevators to the stab and the joiner wire.
Wipe away excess epoxy with a tissue dampened with
alcohol. If the hinges don’t remain centered as you join
the elevators, remove the stab and insert a pin in the
center of the hinges. Make sure there is approximately
a 1/64" gap between the elevators and the stab so you
do not glue them together.
4. Cut a paper towel into 2" squares. Add six drops
of thin CA to the center of the hinges on
both the
top and bottom
. The
tunnels you drilled will wick the
CA into the entire hinge surface. Use the paper towel
squares to absorb excess CA from the hinge gap.
5. Use the same hinging method to join the rudder
to the fin and the ailerons to the wing.
6. If you’ve built working flaps, use a toothpick to
apply a small amount of petroleum jelly to the pivot
points of the hinges to keep epoxy out.
❏ ❏
7. Mix enough 30-minute epoxy to do one flap
at a time. Use a piece of wire or a toothpick to
thoroughly coat the holes in one of the flaps and the
holes in the wing with epoxy. Coat one side of the
flap hinges with epoxy and insert them into the wing.
Coat the other side of the hinges with epoxy and join
the flap. Wipe away excess epoxy before it hardens.
❏ ❏
8. Join the flap to the wing. Tape the flap in
place until the epoxy has fully hardened.
9. Join the other flap to the wing the same way.
10. Reinstall the pushrods you disconnected
before covering, and mount the control horns to the
ailerons, flaps, elevator and rudder. Reinstall any
hardware and other components you may not
already have in place such as the fuel tank and fuel
lines, servos, on/off switch, air tank, engine, muffler,
fuel filler valve, air filler valve, etc.
Hook up the controls
1. If you’ve built your model for retracts, route the
air lines through the wing and hook up the air lines to
the control valve and air tank in the fuse. Leave the
lines long enough so they can be connected to the
landing gear outside of the wing. Connect the air
lines to the landing gear, then mount the gear. If you
haven’t already done so, secure the set screw that
holds the axle to the strut with a drop of thread
locking compound. Add a drop of oil to the axles
(even if the wheels spin freely now, the plastic hubs
can soften and deform due to the friction caused by
the speed and weight of the model while taking off
and landing (we’ve seen it happen!).
2. Mount the engine and muffler and hook up all
the systems inside the cowl including the fuel lines,
in-line fuel filler valve, etc.
Do not use CA accelerator on any of the
hinges and do not glue the hinges with
anything but thin CA. Do not attempt to glue
one half of the hinge at a time. The hinges will
not be properly secured and could come out
while the model is in flight.