Vers. 1.0
To confirm press the "Enter" key
Set the desired duration time of vacuum (suggested at least 5 min)
To confirm press the "Enter" key
At the end of the washing it is possible to print a statement of the operation.
Take notice
: Use instructions inside the kit
to carry out a washing it is necessary to have inside the bottle at least 4 kg of gas
10.7.3 Recycling wash*
: function not available in Advance Plus Version.
: The recycling wash is possible only by using a dedicated kit, available upon request.
For the recycling wash it is necessary to use some dedicated fittings to insert in the circuit in the place of the
expansion hose.
To confirm press the "Enter" key
Set the desired time of vacuum (suggested at least 5 min)
To confirm press the "Enter" key
At the end of the washing it is possible to print a statement of the operation.
Take notice
: Use instructions inside the kit
WARNING to be able to carry out a washing it is necessary to have inside the bottle at least 4 kg of gas
10.7.4 Nitrogen Test
The nitrogen test allows the control of the sealing capacity of the AC system under pressure.
To be able to carry out the test it is necessary to request the dedicated kit at your seller.
Take notice
: Use instructions inside the kit
The Nitrogen Test is done on a low-pressure hose
Image 37
– Recycling Wash
Image 38
– Nitrogen Test